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Utah Water Science Center



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Utah Water Science Center Publications
Water-Supply Papers

The Utah Water Science Center publishes water-information reports on many topics and in many formats. From this Web page, you can locate, view, download, or order scientific and technical articles and reports as well as general interest publications such as booklets, fact sheets, pamphlets, and posters resulting from the research performed by our scientists and partners.

  Water-Supply Papers

  • WSP 2450: Water and salt balance of Great Salt Lake, Utah, and simulation of water and salt movement through the causeway, S.R. Wold, B.E. Thomas, and K.M. Waddell, 1998.
  • WSP 2400: National Water Summary, 1990-91-- Hydrologic Events and Stream Water Quality, U.S. Geological Survey, 1993, p. 19-22, 517-524.
  • WSP 2375: National Water Summary, 1988-89-- Floods and droughts, 1991, p. 527-533.
  • WSP 2350: National Water Summary, 1987-- Water supply and use, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987, p. 491-499.
  • WSP 2332: Hydrologic characteristics of the Great Salt Lake, Utah: 1847-1986, Ted Arnow and D.W. Stephens, 1990.
  • WSP 2325: National Water Summary, 1986-- Ground-water quality, U.S. Geological Survey, 1986, p. 493-500.
  • WSP 2300: National Water Summary, 1985-- Surface-water resources, U.S. Geological Survey, 1986, p. 45-460.
  • WSP 2275: National Water Summary, 1984-- Ground-water resources, U.S. Geological Survey, 1985, p. 3-33, 415-420.
  • WSP 2259: The ground-water system and possible effects of underground coal mining in the Trail Mountain area, central Utah, G.C. Lines, 1985.
  • WSP 2250: National Water Summary 1983-- Hydrologic events and issues, U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, p. 19-22, 218-220.
  • WSP 2248: Ground water in the southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, W.F. Holmes and B.A. Kimball, 1987.
  • WSP 2247: Chemical and physical characteristics of water and sediment in Scofield Reservoir, Carbon County, Utah, K.M. Waddell, D.W. Darby, and S.M. Theobald, 1986.
  • WSP 2246: Hydrology of the Price River basin, Utah, with emphasis on selected coal-field areas, K.M. Waddell, J.E. Dodge, D.W. Darby, and S.M. Theobald, 1986.
  • WSP 2232: Ground water in Utah's densely populated Wasatch Front area-the challenge and the choices, Don Price, 1985.
  • WSP 2224: Quality and quantity of streamflow in the southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, K.L. Lindskov and B.A. Kimball, 1984.
  • WSP 2195: Hydrology of the Ferron Sandstone aquifer and effects of proposed surface-coal mining in Castle Valley, Utah, G.C. Lines and D.S. Morrissey, 1981.
  • WSP 2074: Geochemistry of spring water, southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado, B.A. Kimball, 1981.
  • WSP 2068: Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Wasatch Plateau- Book Cliffs coal-fields area, Utah, K.M. Waddell, C.T. Sumsion, J.R. Butler, and P.K. Contratto, 1981.
  • WSP 2060: Simulation analysis of the unconfined aquifer, Raft River geothermal area, Idaho-Utah, W.D. Nichols, 1979.
  • WSP 2058: Dissolved-oxygen depletion and other effects of storing water in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming and Utah, E.L. Bolke, 1979.
  • WSP 2057: Hydrology and surface morphology of the Bonneville Salt Flats and Pilot Valley playa, Utah, G.C. Lines, 1979.
  • WSP 2052: Floods of September 1970 in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, R.H. Roeske, M.E. Cooley, and B.N. Aldridge, 1978.
  • WSP 2039-A: Chemical quality and temperature of water in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming and Utah, and the effect of the reservoir on the Green River, E.L. Bolke and K.M. Waddell, 1975.
  • WSP 2009-C: Chemical quality of surface water in the Flaming Gorge Reservoir area, Wyoming and Utah, R.J. Madison and K.M. Waddell, 1973.
  • WSP 1896: Ground-water hydrology of the San Pitch River drainage basin, Sanpete County, Utah, G.B. Robinson, Jr., 1971.
  • WSP 1887: Maximum floodflows in the conterminous United States, J.R. Crippen and C.D. Bue, 1977.
  • WSP 1875: Correlative estimates of streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, L.E. Carroon, 1970.
  • WSP 1871: Water data for metropolitan areas, compiled by W.J. Schneider, 1968.
  • WSP 1870-A: Floods of December 1966 in southwestern Utah, Elmer Butler and J.C. Mundorff, 1970.
  • WSP 1854: Ground-water hydrology of the Sevier Desert, Utah, R.W. Mower and R.D. Feltis, 1968.
  • WSP 1848: Ground-water resources of the Sevier River basin between Yuba Dam and Leamington Canyon, Utah, L.J. Bjorklund and G.B. Robinson, Jr., 1968.
  • WSP 1840-C: Summary of floods in the United States during 1964, J.O. Rostvedt and others, 1970.
  • WSP 1839-E: Causes of fluctuations in the rate of discharge of Clear Lake Springs, Millard County, Utah, R.W. Mower, 1967.
  • WSP 1838: Reservoirs in the United States, R.O.R. Martin and R.L. Hanson, 1966, p. 8, 99-101, 113.
  • WSP 1836: Ground-water conditions and geologic reconnaissance in the Upper Sevier River basin, Utah, C.H. Carpenter, G.B. Robinson, Jr., and L.J. Bjorklund, 1967.
  • WSP 1830-B: Summary of floods in the United States during 1963, J.O. Rostvedt and others, 1968.
  • WSP 1822: Two simplified variations of a method for computing ground-water pumpage, G.W. Sandberg, 1966, p. 114-117.
  • WSP 1820: Summary of floods in the United States during 1962, J.O. Rostvedt and others, 1968.
  • WSP 1812: Public water supplies of the 100 largest cities in the United States, C.N. Durfor and Edith Becker, 1964, p. 343-346.
  • WSP 1810: Summary of floods in the United States during 1961, J.O. Rostvedt, 1965, p. 77-82.
  • WSP 1800: The role of ground water in the national water situation, C.L. McGuinness, 1963, p. 864-887.
  • WSP 1794: Ground-water resources of Pavant Valley, Utah, R.W. Mower, 1965.
  • WSP 1790-B: Summary of floods in the United States during 1960, J.O. Rostvedt, 1965, p. 109-110.
  • WSP 1787: Ground-water conditions and storage in the Central Sevier Valley, Utah, R.A. Young and C.H. Carpenter, 1965.
  • WSP 1786: Inventory of published and unpublished chemical analyses of surface waters in the continental United States and Puerto Rico, 1961, T.H. Woodard and S.G. Heidel, 1964.
  • WSP 1750-B: Summary of floods in the United States during 1959, U.S. Geological Survey, 1964.
  • WSP 1688: Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Part 13, Snake River Basin, C.A. Thomas, H.C. Broom, and J.E. Cummans, 1963.
  • WSP 1684: Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Part 10, The Great Basin, Elmer Butler, J.K. Reid, and V.K. Berwick, 1966.
  • WSP 1683: Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Part 9, Colorado River Basin, J.L. Patterson and W.P. Somers, 1966.
  • WSP 1660-B: Summary of floods in the United States during 1958, U.S. Geological Survey, 1963.
  • WSP 1619-K: Hydrogeology of Middle Canyon, Oquirrh Mountains, Tooele County, Utah, J.S. Gates, 1963.
  • WSP 1587: Water resources of the Raft River basin, Idaho-Utah, R.L. Nace, S.W. Fader, and H.G. Sisco, 1961.
  • WSP 1547: Inventory of published and unpublished sediment-load data, United States and Puerto Rico, 1950-60, K.F. Harris, 1962.
  • WSP 1544-H: A water budget for the artesian aquifer in Ogden Valley, Weber County, Utah, in Methods of collecting and interpreting ground-water data, H.E. Thomas, 1963, p. H63-H97.
  • WSP 1535-J: Chemical composition of snow in the northern Sierra Nevada and other areas, J. H. Feth, S.M. Rogers, and C.E. Roberson, 1964.
  • WSP 1475-N: Hydrology and stock-water development on the public domain of western Utah, C.T. Snyder, 1963.
  • WSP 1475-M: Ground-water resources of the Bryce Canyon National Park area, Utah, I.W. Marine, 1963.
  • WSP 1475-G: Water-supply possibilities at Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah, I.W. Marine, 1962.
  • WSP 1423: Phreatophytes, T.W. Robinson, 1958.
  • WSP 1374: Preliminary survey of the saline-water resources of the United States, R.A. Krieger, J.L. Hatchett, and J.L. Poole, 1957.
  • WSP 1360-A: Reservoirs in the United States, N.O. Thomas and G.E. Harbeck, Jr., 1956.
  • WSP 1320-E: Summary of floods in the United States during 1953, U.S. Geological Survey, 1959, p. 351.
  • WSP 1300: The industrial utility of public water supplies in the United States, 1952, Part 2, States west of the Mississippi River, E.W. Lohr and S.K. Love, 1954, p. 421-431.
  • WSP 1260-F: Summary of floods in the United States during 1952, U.S. Geological Survey, 1959, p. 700.
  • WSP 1260-E: Floods of April-June 1952 in Utah and Nevada, W.P. Somers and others, 1957.
  • WSP 1049: Summary of records of surface water at stations on tributaries in Lower Colorado River Basin, 1888-1938, U.S. Geological Survey, 1947.
  • WSP 1029: Ground water in the Jordan Valley, Utah, G.H. Taylor and R.M. Leggette, 1949.
  • WSP 998: Suspended sediment in the Colorado River, 1925-41, C.S. Howard, 1947.
  • WSP 995: Index to river surveys made by the United States Geological Survey and other agencies revised to July 1, 1947, B.E. Jones and R.O. Helland, 1948, p. 102-110.
  • WSP 994: Cloudburst floods in Utah, 1850-1938, R.R. Woolley, 1946.
  • WSP 993: Geology and ground-water resources of Cedar City and Parowan valleys, Iron County, Utah, H.E. Thomas and G.H. Taylor, 1946.
  • WSP 920: Utilization of surface-water resources of Sevier Lake basin, Utah, R.R. Woolley, 1947.
  • WSP 918: Summary of records of surface waters at base stations in Colorado River Basin, 1891-1938, W.E. Dickinsons, 1944.
  • WSP 847: Maximum discharges at stream-measurement stations through December 31, 1937, G.R. Williams and L.C. Crawford, 1940.
  • WSP 836-C: Artesian-water levels and interference between artesian wells in the vicinity of Lehi, Utah, G.H. Taylor and H.E. Thomas, 1939.
  • WSP 796-D: Geology and ground-water resources of Ogden Valley, Utah, R.M. Leggette and G.H. Taylor, 1937.
  • WSP 771: Floods in the United States, magnitude and frequency, C.S. Jarvis and others, 1936.
  • WSP 679-B: Thermal springs in the United States, N.D. Stearns, H.T. Stearns, and G.A. Waring, 1937, p. 108-109, 112-113, 179-183.
  • WSP 659-A: A method of estimating ground-water supplies based on discharge by plants and evaporation from soil--results of investigations in Escalante Valley, Utah, W.N. White, 1932.
  • WSP 657: Water utilization in the Snake River Basin, W.G. Hoyt, 1935.
  • WSP 638-D: Quality of water of the Colorado River in 1928-30, W.D. Collins and C.S. Howard, 1931.
  • WSP 636-B: Suspended matter in the Colorado River in 1925-28, C.S. Howard, 1930.
  • WSP 636-A: Quality of water of the Colorado River, W.D. Collins and C.S. Howard, 1929.
  • WSP 618: The Green River and its utilization, R.R. Woolley, 1930.
  • WSP 617: Upper Colorado River and its utilization, Robert Follansbee, 1929.
  • WSP 596-B: Quality of water of Colorado River in 1925-26, W.D. Collins and C.S. Howard, 1928.
  • WSP 557: Large springs in the United States, O.E. Meinzer, 1927, p. 8-88.
  • WSP 556: Water power and flood control of Colorado River below Green River, Utah, E.C. LaRue, 1925.
  • WSP 538: The San Juan Canyon, southeastern Utah--A geographic and hydrographic reconnaissance, H.D. Miser, 1924, p. 71-78.
  • WSP 520-F: Temperatures of water available for industrial use in the United States, W.D. Collins, 1925.
  • WSP 517: Water powers of the Great Salt Lake Basin, R.R. Woolley, 1924.
  • WSP 489: The occurrences of ground water in the United States, O.E. Meinzer, 1923, p. 182-183, 237-313.
  • WSP 420: Profile surveys along Henrys Fork, Idaho, and Logan River and Blacksmith Fork, Utah, U.S. Geological Survey, 1916.
  • WSP 396: Profile surveys in the Colorado River basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, U.S. Geological Survey, 1916.
  • WSP 395: Colorado River and its utilization, E.C. LaRue, 1916.
  • WSP 380: The Navajo country, a geographic and hydrographic reconnaissance of parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, H.E. Gregory, 1916, p. 12-188.
  • WSP 364: Water analyses from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, F.W. Clarke, 1914, p. 27-28, 38.
  • WSP 340: Stream-gaging stations and publications relating to water resources, 1885-1913, Part 9, Colorado River Basin, p. 105-116; Part 10, The Great Basin, p. 117-129; compiled by B.D. Wood, 1916.
  • WSP 333: Ground water in Box Elder and Tooele Counties, Utah, Everett Carpenter, 1913.
  • WSP 277: Ground water in Juab, Millard, and Iron counties, Utah, O.E. Meinzer, 1911.
  • WSP 274: Some stream waters of the western United States, Herman Stabler, 1911.
  • WSP 217: Water resources of Beaver Valley, Utah, W.T. Lee, 1908.
  • WSP 199: Underground water in Sanpete and central Sevier Valleys, Utah, G.B. Richardson, 1907.
  • WSP 157: Underground water in the valleys of Utah Lake and Jordan River, Utah, G.B. Richardson, 1906.
  • WSP 149: Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, (2nd ed.), N.H. Darton, 1905, p. 156-157.
  • WSP 61: Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Part 2, N.H. Darton, 1902, p. 59-60.
  • WSP 44: Profiles of rivers in the United States, Henry Gannett, 1901, p. 8-90.
  • WSP 7: Seepage water of northern Utah, Samuel Fortier, 1897.

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