Delivery System Research Initiative

ARRA Grants Initiative
Findings from a set of 10 grants on improving delivery systems and on spreading evidence-based practices through delivery systems; recommendations and methods for advancing delivery system research.

Improving the way that care is delivered is critical to the drive to reform health care so as to ensure its quality and enhance its efficiency and affordability. To achieve these goals, the public and private sectors are experimenting with promising new ways to deliver and pay for care. Rigorous research is needed to determine the most effective forms of system design and improvement approaches, under what circumstances they are effective and for whom, and what it would take to scale up the more promising new forms of delivery. AHRQ has a long history of support for this type of research and has several recent or ongoing funding initiatives.

Between 2009 and September 2013 AHRQ awarded 10 grants on delivery system research and the spread of evidence-based practices through delivery systems. These grants were funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) ) (refer to ARRA Delivery System Initiative: Background and Funded Applications (Text Version) ; Research Awards [2.2 and 2.3] and Dissemination, Translation, and Implementation Awards [2.1].

Study Snapshots

Grantee Presentations and Publications

Select for presentations and publications that describe the ARRA Delivery System projects and report their results.

Research Abstracts

Abstracts of research funded under the Delivery System Initiative:

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Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created August 2013
Internet Citation: Delivery System Research Initiative. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.