

In fiscal year 2014 the Grants Management Division (GMD) of the Acquisition and Grants Office (AGO) issued over 2,000 financial assistant awards for research and conservation initiatives coordinated by state and local governments, non-profits, and colleges and universities. GMD awarded funds totaling $868 million to over 800 recipient organizations. Approximately 25 % of NOAA’s annual budget was committed to making progress in understanding the link between our global economy and our planet’s environment. GMD was also responsible for completing 1,500 administrative actions.


The Grants Manual is intended to provide a common understanding of the framework for the administration of grants and cooperative agreements within which DOC staff and responsible recipient officials must operate.

There are several grants management policies that are continuously being improved as a result of a government-wide initiative to simplify and streamline the Federal grant-making process. Each final policy notice is available on OMB's website.

Financial Assistance Alerts

Financial Assistance Instruction

This Financial Assistance Instruction establishes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) process for awarding financial assistance to Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) members. CESUs provide research, technical assistance, and education to federal land management, environmental, and research agencies and their partners. NOAA participates in nine of the 17 established CESUs. Each CESU is provided CESU status on a competitive basis through the U.S. Department of the Interior, and maintains a website that lists ongoing and completed projects conducted by member universities and partner institutions located at http://www.cesu.psu.edu. The nine CESUs are listed in the attached Financial Assistance Instruction.  The Financial Assistance Instruction is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded.