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Office-based Physician Electronic Health Record Adoption

EHR adoption has more than doubled since 2008

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This figure is a line chart depicting the time series trends of any electronic health record adoption, certified electronic health record adoption and Basic electronic health record adoption from 2004 to 2015 among office based physicians. In 2004, 21 percent of all office based physicians had adopted any electronic health record, and, in 2015, 87 percent of all office based physicians had adopted any electronic health record - triple the rate. In 2006, less than 11 percent of all office based physicians had adopted a Basic electronic health record, and, in 2015, 54 percent of all office based physicians had adopted a Basic electronic health record - almost five times the 2006 rate. 78 percent of physicians adopted a certified system in 2015, up from 74 percent in 2014.

Percentage of Office-based Physicians with Electronic Health Record System

2004 - 2015

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Any EHR 20.8% 23.9% 29.2% 34.8% 42% 48.3% 51% 57% 71.8% 78.4% 82.8% 86.9%
Basic EHR -- -- 10.5% 11.8% 16.9% 21.8% 27.9% 33.9% 39.6% 48.1% 50.5% 53.9%
Certified EHR -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 74% 77.9%

As of 2015, nearly 9 in 10 (87%) of office-based physicians had adopted any EHR[2], over 3 in 4 (78%) had adopted a certified EHR, and over half (54%) adopted a 'Basic EHR'[1]. Since 2008, office-based physician adoption of any EHRs has more than doubled, from 42% to 87%, while adoption of Basic EHRs has more than tripled from 17% to 54%. Between 2014 and 2015, adoption of any EHR grew by 5% and Basic EHR adoption grew by 7%. ONC and the CDC began tracking adoption of certified EHRs by office-based physicians in 2014.


Jamoom E, Yang N. Table of Electronic Health Record Adoption and Use among Office-based Physicians in the U.S., by State: 2015 National Electronic Health Records Survey. 2016

Jamoom E, Yang N, Hing E. Percentage of office-based physicians using any electronic health records or electronic medical records, physicians that have a basic system, and physicians that have a certified system, by state: United States, 2014 (table). 2015.

Hsiao C-J, Hing E. Use and characteristics of electronic health record systems among office-based physician practices: United States, 2001–2013. NCHS data brief, no 143. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2014.


[1] Physicians adopted a Basic EHR if they reported their practice performed all of the following computerized functions: patient demographics, patient problem lists, electronic lists of medications taken by patients, clinician notes, orders for medications, viewing laboratory results, and viewing imaging results. The core capabilities of a Basic EHR were defined by DesRoches, et al. in the 2008 manuscript.

[2] Any EHR system is a medical or health record system that is either all or partially electronic, and excludes systems solely for billing.

[3] Data include non-federal, office-based physicians, and exclude radiologists, anesthesiologists, and pathologists.

[4] A certified EHR system is one that meets the requirements adopted by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Suggested Citation:

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. 'Office-based Physician Electronic Health Record Adoption,' Health IT Quick-Stat #50. December 2016.