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United States European Command
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Our Organization
J1 - Manpower, Personnel and Administration
J2 - Intelligence
J3 - European Command Plans and Operations Center (EPOC)
J4 - Logistics
J5/8 - Policy, Strategy, Partnering and Capabilities
J6 – C4/Cyber
J7– Exercises and Assessments
J9 – Interagency Partnering
Communication and Engagement
Inspector General
Offices of Defense Cooperation
Marshall Center
NATO School
Judge Advocate
History Office
U.S. European Command Headquarters Commandant's Office
The J1 Directorate optimizes EUCOM’s human resource posture to enable U.S. Forces to conduct the full spectrum of missions within the command’s area of responsibility. Read more
The J2 Directorate's intelligence enterprise provides advanced warning, situational understanding, relevant predictive estimates, and strategic context for active security and lines of operation. Read more
The J3 Directorate is also known as the EUCOM Plans and Operations Center (EPOC), which directs the development and execution of operations supporting U.S. interests and regional alliances in the command’s area of responsibility. Read more
As the logistics directorate, the J4 coordinates logistics, health readiness, engineering, and humanitarian support throughout EUCOM’s theater. Read more
The J5/8 Directorate develops basic military/political policy and planning for command activities involving relations with other U.S. combatant commands, allied, and international military organizations, as well as subordinate commands. Read more
The Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4)/Cyber directorate, also referred to as the J6, provides and coordinates cyber and information technology capabilities. Read more
The J7 Directorate provides independent assessments and analysis of strategic and operational processes and products though three divisions: Joint Training and Exercises, Theater Assessments and Analysis, and Operational Assessments and Readiness. Read more
The J9 Directorate embodies a “whole of society” approach, bringing in a wide range of perspectives by integrating U.S. and nongovernmental agencies, academic institutions, international organizations, and private-sector partners to better execute EUCOM operations. Read more
EUCOM's Communication and Engagement (also known as public affairs) develops and coordinates communication strategy, plans and policy, and provides information to the U.S. Congress, the public, and the media. Read more
Protocol staff plan and coordinate official ceremonies supporting the command group, conferences for the commander, and deputy commander, official visits, receptions, dinners, and related protocol support. Read more
The Inspector General's staff reports on the command’s discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, training, and readiness through inspection processes, teaching and training, assistance, and investigation. Read more
The Comptroller executes the command’s annual budget according to fiscal law. Read more
The EUCOM command chaplain provides advice and guidance all matters related to religion, ethics and morale. Read more
Offices of Defense Cooperation work with their respective host nations in close partnership with U.S. Embassy country teams and under U.S. ambassador direction. Read more
Located Garmish, Germany, the Marshall Center's College of International and Security Studies and Outreach Programs directorate conducts a variety of unique programs involving officials from more than 110 countries. The center staff teaches most programs in three languages: English, German and Russian Read more
The NATO School conducts education and individual training supporting current and developing NATO operations, strategy, policy, doctrine and procedures. Read more
The Judge Advocate’s mission is to provide legal advice to the commander and his staff in matters involving operational law; domestic, foreign and international law; and related policy matters. Read more
The Command History office is the institutional memory of EUCOM. It is responsible for preserving the key documentation and events of the Command for the immediate and long term use of EUCOM and posterity. Read more
This office provides the daily unit-level personnel administration and finance support to all personnel assigned and attached to EUCOM headquarters. Read more
Our Forces
U.S. Army, Europe
U.S. Special Operations Command Europe
U.S. Naval Forces Europe
U.S. Air Forces in Europe
U.S. Marine Forces Europe
USAREUR trains, equips, deploys and provides command and control of forward-deployed land forces, able to support and conduct the full spectrum of joint and combined multi-national operations and engagement activities. Read more
U.S. Special Operations Command Europe information Read more
NAVEUR plans, conducts and supports naval operations in the European theater during peacetime and as tasked by the EUCOM commander. Read more
USAFE is a major air force command and also EUCOM’s primary air component, planning and executing air and space operations in Europe and Asia to achieve NATO and U.S. objectives based on the EUCOM commander’s taskings. Read more
Supports EUCOM operations by advising the commander, other component commanders and task force commanders on the capabilities and proper employment of U.S. Marine Corps forces. Read more
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