
  • Corn
    Corn is the most widely produced feed grain in the United States, with most of the crop providing the main energy ingredient in livestock feed.
  • Cotton & Wool
    ERS analyzes events in the U.S. and international cotton and textile markets that influence supply, demand, prices, and trade.
  • Fruit & Tree Nuts
    Provides current intelligence and forecasts the effects of changing conditions in the U.S. fruit and tree nuts sector. Topics include production, consumption, shipments, trade, prices received, and more.
  • Rice
    Four U.S. regions produce almost all of the country's rice crop - three in the South and one in California - each specializing in a specific type of rice.
  • Soybeans & Oil Crops
    Processed soybeans are the world’s largest source of animal protein feed and the second largest source of vegetable oil.
  • Sugar & Sweeteners
    The United States is the world’s largest consumer of sweeteners, including high fructose corn syrup.
  • Vegetables & Pulses
    ERS provides economic analyses and data on vegetables and pulses for the fresh market and for processing use, including: Current and historical data on supply, use, value, prices, and trade for the sector and for individual commodities; Bimonthly outlook reports that provide current intelligence and forecasts on changing conditions in the U.S. vegetable and pulses sector; In-depth analyses of production, consumption, global production and trade, prices, and conditions and events affecting the vegetable and pulse sector and specific commodities.
  • Wheat
    The United States is a major wheat-producing country, and wheat ranks third among U.S. field crops in both planted acreage and gross farm receipts.