Guide for States: Energy Efficiency as a Least-Cost Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollution, and Meet Energy Needs in the Power Sector

February 12, 2016

Now available from the SEE Action Network

WHAT: Highlights energy efficiency as a least-cost strategy to meet air pollution reduction and other policy objectives, including energy affordability and reliability.

A practical document that presents established policy and program “pathways” to advance demand-side energy efficiency, including:

  • Ratepayer-funded energy efficiency
  • Building energy codes
  • Local government-led efforts, such as building performance policies
  • State-led efforts, such as energy savings performance contracting
  • Commercial and industrial private sector approaches, such as strategic energy management and combined heat and power.

The guide presents case studies of successful regional, state, and local approaches to energy efficiency with sources for more information, resources to understand the range of expected savings from energy efficiency, and common protocols for documenting savings.

WHO: Useful for state air regulators and other state policy makers or administrators and their stakeholders in a variety of policy contexts including but not limited to:

  • State, local, and corporate climate and energy strategies, goals, and regulations
  • State clean air strategies and regulations
  • Federal clean air requirements: National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Clean Power Plan

Contact: SEE Action Network Coordinator Johanna Zetterberg

This report does not represent federal guidance about compliance with federal regulations. It was developed as a product of the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action), facilitated by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Content does not imply an endorsement by the individuals or organizations that are part of the SEE Action Network or reflect the views, policies, or otherwise of the federal government.

  • State and local air pollution control agencies will find SEE Action's Guide for States: Energy Efficiency as a Least-Cost Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollution, and Meet Energy Needs in the Power Sector to be a very helpful resource. The guide provides a clear and credible overview of how states and localities are putting energy efficiency to work for them, and what they are getting out of their investment. These approaches give air agencies a broader set of tools to meet air quality standards, protect public health, and achieve multipollutant emission reductions at a low cost.

    Bill Becker, National Association of Clean Air Agencies