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Portsmouth Community Outreach

Porstmouth organizes the Science Alliance for area High Schoolers

Porstmouth organizes the Science Alliance for area High Schoolers

Portsmouth SSAB tour onsite disposal cell test pit

Portsmouth SSAB tour onsite disposal cell test pit

Portsmouth public meeting on Proposed Plans, November 2014

Portsmouth public meeting on Proposed Plans, November 2014

Porstmouth organizes the Science Alliance for area High Schoolers
Portsmouth SSAB tour onsite disposal cell test pit
Portsmouth public meeting on Proposed Plans, November 2014

DOE is committed to fostering meaningful public involvement in its decision-making at the site. Interactive communications enable the public and other stakeholders to learn about the environmental program so they can provide input.

Stakeholders include individuals, groups, communities, and other entities in the public and private sectors that are interested in or affected by environmental activities and decisions. Ongoing communications enhance DOE’s ability to consider the public’s interests in cleanup decisions.

DOE staff and contractor personnel engage in a variety of public outreach efforts to inform local stakeholders on plant activities. Examples include, among others, appearances with:

  • Portsmouth Site Specific Advisory Board (SSAB)
  • County commissioners and other elected officials
  • Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
  • Community Reuse Organization (Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative)
  • General public via public meetings
  • Civic groups
  • Economic development professionals
  • Regional universities and high schools
  • Fence line neighbors

DOE also supports educational outreach through its programs including the annual Science Alliance, High School Regional Science Bowl, and the High School Annual Site Environmental Report Summary project.

Stay informed and involved by signing up on this site for email news and updates, and by following the links on the right for updates on current and upcoming events and initiatives, the Portsmouth SSAB web site, and available online project documents.

If you would like more information about community outreach at PORTS please contact:

Greg Simonton
(740) 897-3737