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Daniel Scavino Jr.
4 hrs

We began this journey 19 months ago - with a 1% chance of securing the GOP Nomination. We are only 3 days away from President-elect Donald J. Trump becoming the... 45th President of the United States of America. After working around the clock for the past two months during the transition phase - both President-elect and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are ready to serve you! Together, we will ALL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Dan #3Days #MAGA

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With all of the jobs I am bringing back into the U.S. (even before taking office), with all of the new auto plants coming back into our country and with the massive cost reductions I have negotiated on military purchases and more, I believe the people are seeing "big stuff."

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For many years our country has been divided, angry and untrusting. Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep. IT WILL CHANGE!!!!

#Repost Donald Trump Jr. via Instagram:
'Me and my dad. A few miles beneath our feet since then but still a great pic. #maga #fatherson'

Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of the many wonderful things that he stood for. Honor him for being the great man that he was!

Today our nation pauses to honor a legend, an icon, and an American hero. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lifted up the conscience of our nation -- a towering leader in his day, and a lasting inspiration for all generations to follow.

Our Declaration declares that 'all men are created equal,' and Dr. King challenged our nation to live out that sacred truth: to banish the evils of bigotry, segregation and oppression from the institutions of society and the hearts of

His legacy of freedom is the true memorial to his life: no testimonial can pay better tribute than the faces of young children living out their dreams.

But his work is not done: all around us today we see communities and schools falling behind and not sharing in the prosperity of American life. Each of us has a solemn obligation to ensure that no American is left behind -- and that all Americans are fully included in the American Dream. When young Americans of color are left on the sidelines, our nation is denied a lifetime of contributions to this society -- and when any of our American brothers and sisters is forced to live in fear, or poverty, or violence, it is setback for the entire nation.

We rise and fall together, and today we pledge to follow in Dr. King's footsteps so that all Americans may know the full blessings of this God-blessed land.

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For many years our country has been divided, angry and untrusting. Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep. IT WILL CHANGE!!!!


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Trump Inaugural

President Reagan became a Hollywood actor in his 20s and later served as the Republican governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

Vice President-Elect Pence is great!

The Vice President-elect grabbed up two tubs.|By Emily Amelia Heil

Good morning America! Thank you for all of your support. Both my family and I are grateful. In just six days -- together, we will all MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!

Image may contain: 5 people, people on stage, people standing and crowd

Thank you Steve! Lets #MAGA!

Posted by Donald J. Trump

'Lockheed Martin CEO meets Trump, says deal to lower F-35 costs is close'

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) is close to a deal to significantly lower the cost of its F-35 aircraft, its Chief Executive Officer Marillyn Hewson said on Friday following a meeting with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.|By Jonathan Allen

A beautiful funeral today for a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. Our law enforcement community has my complete and total support.

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