NCQA Blog: Features and Announcements

  • Do You Provide Long-Term Services and Supports?

    Learn and discuss improvement ideas and strategies with industry peers as a member of the NCQA LTSS Best Practices Academy […]
  • What is MACRA and Why Does it Matter?

    The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) changes how doctors get paid—transitioning from volume to value—and takes a big step forward for health care quality […]
  • Health Plan Ratings: High & Low Performers are Rare

    NCQA rated 1,012 private/commercial, Medicare and Medicaid plans as part of the NCQA Health Insurance Plan Ratings 2016-2017. […]

  • Recognition Redesign Google Hangout: We Tried It. We liked It.

    Recognition Redesign Google Hangout: We Tried It. We liked It.

    It’s finally here for your viewing pleasure, a cleaned up version of the NCQA Google Hangout discussing our Recognition Redesign […]

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