A project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health

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The Healthy Woman: A Complete Guide for All Ages

book coverAuthor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health; Jill Dougherty (Foreword)
Published: November 1, 2008
Paperback: 500 pages
Language: English
Availability: You may download the book directly from this page (below), purchase the ebook, or find a copy at your local bookstore.

Download the book by chapter

  1. Inside Cover and Acknowledgements (PDF, 510 KB)
  2. Table of Contents (PDF, 107 KB)
  3. Foreword (PDF, 87 KB)
  4. Introduction (PDF, 137 KB)
  5. Heart Disease (PDF, 3.27 MB)
    Understanding risk factors of this number one killer of women, as well as heart attack signs, common tests, treatments, and living with heart disease.
  6. Stroke (PDF, 402 KB)
    Recognizing the signs of stroke, as well as understanding risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of stroke.
  7. Cancer (PDF, 847 KB)
    Understanding risk factors, symptoms, important screening tests, and treatments of cancers affecting women.
  8. Type 2 Diabetes (PDF, 316 KB)
    Knowing the signs of type 2 diabetes and how to manage, prevent, and delay the condition.
  9. Autoimmune Diseases (PDF, 1.59 MB)
    Recognizing symptoms of autoimmune diseases more common in women, dealing with diagnosis, and understanding special pregnancy concerns.
  10. Blood Disorders (PDF, 1.40 MB)
    Learning how blood works, and recognizing symptoms of bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, and anemia.
  11. Sexually Transmitted Infections (PDF, 2.57 MB)
    Lowering risk of sexually transmitted infections, symptoms to look out for, understanding treatment, and dealing with diagnosis.
  12. HIV/AIDS (PDF, 658 KB)
    Preventing HIV, understanding the importance of testing, recognizing AIDS-related infections, and living with HIV.
  13. Reproduction Health (PDF, 896 KB)
    Caring for your reproduction health, understanding reproduction and gynecological disorders, and understanding you birth control options.
  14. Pregnancy (PDF, 1.06 MB)
    Preparing you body for pregnancy and delivery, understanding body changes, and learning about the stages of pregnancy.
  15. Breastfeeding (PDF, 440 KB)
    Learning how to breastfeed your baby, with practical tips and suggestions for getting your baby to latch, expressing milk, and caring for your breasts.
  16. Mental Health (PDF, 370 KB)
    Learning how to care for your overall mental health, understanding mental health disorders, and finding out how to get help.
  17. Healthy Aging (PDF, 693 KB)
    Dealing with menopause, understanding common signs of aging, and living with chronic health conditions.
  18. Violence against Women (PDF, 1010 KB)
    Understanding the impact of violence against women in the U.S., recognizing dangerous relationships, and learning practical ways to get help.
  19. Urologic and kidney health (PDF, 956 KB)
    Learning how the urinary system works, and recognizing, preventing, and treating common urologic kidney health problems.
  20. Digestive Health (PDF, 476 KB)
    Learning how the digestive system works, dealing with digestive health problems during pregnancy, and understanding how to keep your digestive system healthy.
  21. Respiratory Health (PDF, 322 KB)
    Understanding how the respiratory health system works, dealing with common respiratory conditions, and recognizing symptoms.
  22. Oral_health (PDF, 542 KB)
    Caring for your oral health, understanding oral health issues specific to women, and learning how to recognize oral health problems.
  23. Skin and Hair Health (PDF, 411 KB)
    Caring for your skin and hair, understanding the link between hair and skin and overall health, and dealing with common skin and hair problems.
  24. Nutrition (PDF, 1.08 MB)
    Learning about healthy eating, including practical tips for making healthy food choices.
  25. Fitness (PDF, 674 KB)
    Learning about the importance of physical activity, including practical tips for leading an active lifestyle.
  26. Women and Pain (PDF, 1.00 MB)
    Understanding the impact of chronic pain and painful conditions among women, and learning about treatment options.
  27. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (PDF, 414 KB)
    Learning about the use of complementary and alternative medicine in the United States, the state of research on specific types of alternative medicines, and important safety tips.
  28. Appendix (PDF, 11.83 MB)
    Additional health information and tips, important screenings and tests, and health resources for women and family.
  29. Glossary (PDF, 195 KB)
    Bolded terms throughout the book are included.
  30. Bibliography (PDF, 984 KB)
  31. Index (PDF, 140 KB)

Content last updated: July 16, 2012.

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