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Content Details

Last updated on 01-18-2018

Jump to: MODS and PREMIS MetadataDocument in ContextAccessing Related Documents

From the Content Details page, you can do many things, including:
  • Download available formats of a document, associated MODS and PREMIS metadata files, or all available metadata and content files as one zipped file. Most documents are available in PDF and Text formats, and other formats are available depending on the publication.
  • View key metadata for documents on the Summary Tab. Each collection uses similar metadata elements, but some elements are unique to specific collections.
  • Access other documents issued within the same publication on the Document in Context tab. (Select collections)
  • Access related documents in the system on the Related Documents tab. (Select collections)
  • Link to where you can browse the full collection.
  • View bibliographic information about the publication in GPO’s Catalog of U.S. Government Publications or find at a local Federal depository library.
  • Share the page on social media.
Screenshot of a Details page on the summary tab

MODS and PREMIS Metadata

MODS is a metadata standard that includes information about a digital object. It stands for Metadata Object Description Schema and the standard is maintained by the Library of Congress. You can perform a search over any field in the MODS.

PREMIS is a preservation metadata standard that contains information needed to ensure long-term preservation of digital content such as the change history. The data dictionary for PREMIS is also maintained by the Library of Congress. Learn more about PREMIS and about GPO's digital preservation.

Document in Context

Publications, or issues of publications, in some collections are broken down into smaller pieces (granules) to improve access to relevant information. The Federal Register, for example, consists of several documents, each of which can be accessed separately. The Document in Context section allows you to access other documents issued within the same publication. What are packages and granules?

Screenshot of a Details page on the Document in Context tab

Accessing Related Documents

Download the Related Documents Quick Reference Guide (PDF) - Last updated September 2016

On govinfo, it is easier than ever to track information in documents that exist within the complex network of legislative, regulatory, and judicial publications.

On select Details pages for a document, a “Related Documents” tab will display other documents within govinfo that have a functional relationship or reference to that particular document. The purpose of the Related Documents feature is to make it easy for users to navigate to associated content without having to conduct multiple searches or manually go into and read each document’s text.

Learn more.

Screenshot of a Details page on the Related Documents tab