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Last updated on 12-26-2017

Jump to: CategoryDateCongressional CommitteeGovernment Author

Browse A to Z

Browse collection names, certain high-profile pieces of content, and related external resources from the Browse A to Z page.

Browse by Category - For example, Bills and Statutes

Browse collection names and certain high-profile pieces of content grouped in categories on the Browse Category page. The available categories are:

  • Bills and Statutes
  • Budget and Presidential Materials
  • Congressional Committee Materials
  • Congressional Rules and Procedures
  • Directories of Organizations and Officials
  • Executive Agency Publications
  • Judicial Publications
  • Legislative Agency Publications
  • Proceedings of Congress and General Congressional Publications
  • Regulatory Information

Browse by Date - Specific timeframe or date range

Browse documents within a timeframe or within a date range. When you retrieve results, you can sort your results or filter your results using the navigators in the Refine Your Search panel. Once you find a document of interest, you can get more information on the document or open the document to read or save.

Browse by Committee - Select Congressional Committees

Browse documents by the Congressional committee that issued the document. Once you find a document of interest, you can get more information on the document or open the document to read or save.

Browse by Government Author - For example, the Treasury Department or the Executive Office of the President

Browse documents by government (institutional) author by branch of government. The links take you to a list of search results.