Learn the benefits

Why partner with EPA? That’s easy. Through ENERGY STAR, EPA helps you connect the dots between people, planet, and profits.

Did you know the average building wastes about a third of the energy it uses? That’s why good energy management is good business. By capturing these inefficiencies, you can reduce your energy costs. And by reducing the amount of energy you use, you prevent greenhouse gases from being emitted at power plants, which helps create a cleaner, healthier environment.

It’s a budget-tested and planet-approved strategy for achieving the triple bottom line.

Here are just a few of the ways EPA can help you save.

Learn from the experts.

By following EPA’s proven energy management approach, you’re following in the footsteps of thousands of successful partners that have already tested and found the most effective, strategic approach to saving energy and money. Through the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management, EPA gives you a road map to setting up an energy program that will continue to deliver savings, year after year.

Use actionable benchmarks.

Through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, EPA’s online tool for measuring and tracking energy and water use, you have access to more than 150 different metrics that give you insights into how your property is performing. Certain property types also receive a 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR score, which compares a property’s energy performance to similar properties nationwide. Use it to speak effectively to key decision-makers and provide quantitative results to encourage better energy management and capital investment in energy-efficient technologies. 

Get world-class support.

Technical information, management tools, training sessions, networking meetings, marketing materials, off-the-shelf employee outreach kits … EPA offers you these resources and more to make your job easier. We also help you find expert help through our network of service and product providers.  

Align with a trusted brand.

When you align with ENERGY STAR, you increase your brand’s credibility and visibility. That’s because ENERGY STAR is a trusted government-backed source of unbiased information. It’s also recognized by more than 88 percent of the American public and tied with the Good Housekeeping® seal as the most influential consumer emblem in the nation.

Get green building certification.

A building can’t be green unless it’s energy-efficient. And ENERGY STAR is the government-backed program for certifying energy-efficient buildings. That’s why green building rating systems across the nation include ENERGY STAR. Whether you’re pursuing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Green Globes, or the U.S. Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings, ENERGY STAR certification will ensure your building uses less energy and leaves a smaller carbon footprint.

Highlight your proven results.

When you save energy, the financial value isn’t just limited to your utility bills. It accrues across the board — from asset values to shareholder values to operating income. And beyond the positive financial impacts, saving energy also makes a real-world impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

So how can you convey all these proven results in a simple, objective way? ENERGY STAR is the symbol of financial performance plus environmental performance. Through ENERGY STAR, EPA makes it easy for you to differentiate your organization’s achievements with objective, government-backed benchmarks. Use it to make your financial and sustainability leadership stand out from the rest.

Still not convinced? Find out:

Not sure why you should care about saving energy? Learn the business case for energy efficiency.