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Deciding Whether to Buy

Rent vs. Buy

Buying or renting – which route is right for you? The answer depends on many factors like your financial situation, future plans, and lifestyle. Both options have benefits that you need to carefully consider before making your decision.

Pros & Cons of Homeownership

Homeownership can provide your family with an opportunity to build long-term financial security and independence. It also comes with responsibilities and even some potential risks that you should carefully evaluate before diving in.

Understanding the Responsibilities

While there are many advantages to owning your own home, it's important to remember that responsibilities are part of the homeownership package. Your mortgage is a binding contract that must be taken seriously.

Re-entering the Market

You've owned your own home before but exited the market due to foreclosure, short sale, or deed-in-lieu. Over time you can repair your credit and take the necessary steps to prepare and re-enter the market to buy a home.

Buying Resources


Rent vs. Buy

Understand the financial differences between renting and homeownership.


Renting With The Goal of Buying

If you're looking to buy, set your financial goals, establish a savings plan, and get started today.

The Latest in Buying


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