HOME Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides formula grants to states and localities that communities use - often in partnership with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people. It is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.

FY 2016 HOME Information

HOME Funded Activity by 114th Congressional Districts

Use the find tool (magnifying glass) to search for HOME accomplishments by 114th Congressional District by Representative last name or District code. When a member of Congress is searched, the map displays that member’s district and a pop up window shows the number of HOME participating jurisdictions within the district, the total completed HOME units, rental units, homebuyer units, homeowner rehab units, and total amount of HOME funds disbursed for the completed units. The data reflects completed units from 1992-2015.

Grant Based Accounting Requirements

HUD has updated IDIS to phase out the first-in-first-out (FIFO) accounting methodology. These changes will require grantees to tie activity funding/commitment and draws to specific grants in IDIS. The initial IDIS changes implemented grant-specific accounting beginning with FY 2015 HOME allocations. Future changes will implement HOME deadline compliance requirement in IDIS. Funds from pre-2015 grants will continue to be committed and disbursed using the FIFO method.

Learn about grant based accounting requirements.

2013 HOME Final Rule

HUD published a Final Rule in the Federal Register (Changes Only) on July 24, 2013 to amend the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program regulations. These amendments to the HOME regulations represent the most significant changes to the HOME Program in 17 years.

Learn About Changes in the 2013 HOME Final Rule

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HOME Topics

Documents and publications are provided by topic to assist PJs and program partners in designing and implementing their programs. Users can also find HOME Program resources using the Advanced Search.

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