

HUD's websites - including all online applications and work processes - must comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, making content accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 requires that anyone with disabilities must be able to access and use information and data on a website, comparable to the way people without disabilities can get that information and data, unless it would cause our agency an undue burden.

If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, Braille reader, etc.) and have problems accessing information on our website, please contact and tell us about your problem. Be sure to include the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access and your contact information. We will try to provide the information you are seeking.


File Formats Used by the HUD Exchange

Some of our documents are posted in proprietary formats (to access these documents you would normally have to buy (or already have) the corresponding software). When we post information or data in proprietary formats, we do it only when we are reasonably sure that the intended audience can already access files in that format. Alternatively, the following are links to free viewers, which will allow you to view documents in proprietary formats:

File Type Name of Viewer URL of Viewer
swf Adobe Flash Player
pdf Adobe Reader
xls/xlsx Microsoft Excel Viewer
ppt/pptx Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2007
mp3 Microsoft Windows Media Player
mp4 Quicktime
wav Microsoft Windows Media Player
wmz Microsoft Windows Media Player
doc/docx/wpd Microsoft Word Viewer