Data and Tools

Data Management Tools

Good data management enables the location, sharing, and reuse of data, and reduces the redundancy of data. These attributes of good data management reduce costs in terms of time and money. Data management tools and best practices can also help to meet the open data requirements of making data more accessible and discoverable.

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A screenshot of BISON website
December 1, 2016

BISON: Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation

A unique, web-based Federal mapping resource for species occurrence data in the United States and its Territories.

Screenshot of the USGS Science Data Catalog
December 1, 2016

Science Data Catalog

The USGS Science Data Catalog provides seamless access to USGS research and monitoring data from across the nation. Users have the ability to search, browse, or use a map-based interface to discover data.

Ground water outflows at Thousand Springs, Idaho, provide water to fish farms along the Snake River, Idaho.
November 29, 2016

The National Network of Reference Watersheds

The National Network of Reference Watersheds is a collaborative and multipurpose network of minimally disturbed watersheds and monitoring sites. The purpose of this website is to allow users to search the NNRW database of reference watersheds, to identify watersheds of interest, and download watershed information and water quality data. The current scope is limited to freshwater strreams.

NCCWSC's Request for Proposal (RFP) Manager screenshot
November 23, 2016

NCCWSC Request for Proposal (RFP) Manager

The NCCWSC Request for Proposal (RFP) Manager is a way for the DOI Climate Science Centers to announce funding opportunities to DOI scientists, and for them to be able to propose work that needs funding. Scientists then go through a review process and are awarded funding according to reviewer ratings.  

 A screenshot of the Data Entry for Project Tracking and Highlighting (DEPTH) tool.
November 23, 2016

DEPTH: Data Entry for Project Tracking and Highlighting

The Data Entry for Project Tracking and Highlighting (DEPTH) web portal allows users to easily query, view, filter, and edit organization’s project records. DEPTH provides users with a central location to view science activities from across various organizations in their region. This tool is funded by the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center.

A screenshot of the Data Management Editor (DMP Editor)
November 23, 2016

Data Management Plan (DMP) Editor

The Data Management Plan Editor (DMP Editor) allows PIs and data stewards to maintain the Data Management Plan throughout the project lifecycle. Data Management Plans will either be entered directly into the system,imported from RFP Manager, or imported from word template. This tool also sends a copy of the DMP to ScienceBase.

A screenshot of the Project Tracking Dashboard tool.
November 23, 2016

Project Dashboard (PDASH)

The Project Tracking Dashboard, PDash, is used to track and manage project information, including project metadata, reports, publications, data products, and data management plan status. This tool was funded by the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center.

Wyoming Basin Rapid Ecoregional Assessment map
November 23, 2016

Bureau of Land Management’s Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Wyoming Basin

WYBREA is used by the BLM to provide information that facilitates development of regionally based conservation strategies on public lands in the Wyoming Basin and to facilitate planning, environmental analysis, and decision-making for regional ecological resources.

A Department of the Interior Data Visualization screen shot of a map of the U.S. showing jobs form DOI economic contributions.
November 23, 2016

Department of the Interior Data Visualization

This interactive tool displays estimates of the economic contributions associated with the Department of the Interior (Interior, or DOI)'s programs and activities for FY 2015. Many of Interior's activities, such as the provision of recreational opportunities or the leasing of mineral rights are important to the economy because they enable private industry to create wealth and jobs. 

The White River Field Office data management system map
November 23, 2016

The White River Field Office Data Management System

WRFO (White River Field Office) is an application used by the BLM to monitor Oil and Gas related disturbance and reclamation activity in White River Field Office, Kremmling Field Office, and the Little Snake Field office. The primary disturbances are Oil and Gas wells. Associated infrastructure (Facilities, Pipelines, and Roads) are also monitored. 

A male sage grouse struts his stuff on the sage steppe.
November 23, 2016

Surface Disturbance Analysis and Reclamation Tracking Tool (SDARTT)

SDARTT is to be the national repository for and analysis tool of disturbance data pertaining to public land operations for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Public land users will upload disturbance and reclamation data to SDARTT and BLM users will utilize SDARTT to map and analyze the data and generate reports.

Pinedale area for natural gas operations and reclamation
November 23, 2016

Pinedale Anticline Data Management System (PADMS)

This site is intended to track disturbance and reclamation activities associated with natural gas operations on the Pinedale Anticline