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OpenFEMA Dataset: OpenFEMA Data Sets - V1

This page documents the metadata for the OpenFEMA Datasets API data feed.

Entity Name



The dataset lists the published datasets available via FEMA's API



Program URL



OpenFEMA -

API Endpoint


Full Data



open, data, fema, datasets, opengov, grant data, disasters, api

Data Fields

identifieridentifierstringUnique ID for a dataset
nameNamestringName of the dataset.
titleTitlestringHuman-readable name of the asset. Should be in plain English and include sufficient detail to facilitate search and discovery.
descriptionDescriptionstringHuman-readable description (e.g., an abstract) with sufficient detail to enable a user to quickly understand whether the asset is of interest.
distributionDistributionstringHolds multiple download URLs for datasets composed of multiple files and/or file types
webServiceWeb ServicestringEndpoint of web service to access dataset.
dataDictionaryData DictionarystringURL to the data dictionary for the dataset or API. Note that documentation other than a data dictionary can be referenced using Related Documents as shown in the expanded fields.
keywordKeywordstringTags (or keywords) help users discover your dataset; please include terms that would be used by technical and non-technical users.
modifiedModifiedstringMost recent date on which the dataset was changed, updated or modified.
publisherPublisherstringThe publishing entity.
contactPointContact POCdateContact person's name for the asset.
mboxPOC Email AddressstringContact person's email address.
accessLevelAccess LevelstringThe degree to which this dataset could be made publicly-available, regardless of whether it has been made available. Choices: public (data asset is or could be made publicly available to all without restrictions), restricted public (data asset is available under certain use restrictions), or non-public (data asset is not available to members of the public).
landingPageProgram Home PagestringAlternative landing page used to redirect user to a contextual, Agency-hosted "homepage" for the dataset or API when selecting this resource from the user interface.
temporalDate RangedateThe range of temporal applicability of a dataset (i.e., a start and end date of applicability for the data).
apiAPIbooleanIs the dataset part of the FEMA API
versionVersionnumberMajor version number of the dataset. Version number does not change when additional fields are added to an existing dataset. The documentation will be updated to reflect the new fields.
lastRefreshLast RefreshdateLast date the dataset was updated in the datastore
idIDstringUnique ID assigned to the record


Last Updated: 
04/23/2015 - 10:19