Climate Change, Engineered Systems and Society

This is a collection of resources generated and gathered during the NSF Climate Change Educational Partnership (CCEP) Phase I award, It includes cases and a bibliography as well as teaching tools and general organizational information. This is a work in progress so check back often for more resources.

The materials gathered here are supported in part by a National Science Foundation Award (#1043289). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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  • These cases have been identified by CCEP to relate to issues of climate change, engineered systems and society.
  • These articles provide background reading on climate change, engineered systems, and society. They have all been identified as useful in the Climate Change and Engineering Partnership (CCEP).
  • This is a selection of other web pages that provide useful resources on Climate Change, Engineered Systems and Society. They have been gathered or created by the CCEP partnership.
  • This page contains a collection of news articles that call attention to the issues surrounding climate change, engineered systems and society.  They begin with articles about the 2011 flooding in the midwest, and more articles will be added as they are brought to our attention.  If you know of articles that should be included here, please email us.
Cite this page: "Climate Change, Engineered Systems and Society" Online Ethics Center for Engineering 7/20/2011 OEC Accessed: Thursday, January 19, 2017 <>