Animal & Veterinary

Science & Research

building at CVM

About CVM's Office of Research
Research Areas
Aquaculture Research
Research Publications

Research Areas

The CVM Office of Research maintains internationally recognized research programs in these areas:

  • Analytical research for compounds which pose a potential health risk if found in animal tissue or feed. We develop and validate methods for official and research uses. We determine the fate of compounds administered to animals to answer questions about their safety or efficacy.
  • Applied and basic research in animal health and medicine in support of current and evolving regulatory issues. We provide research solutions to issues of animal health, food safety of animal derived products, and safety or efficacy of products used in animal care.
  • Applied and basic research involving the isolation, identification and characterization of microorganisms potentially harmful to animals and humans. In particular, this research explores the effects of antimicrobial use in animals on:
    • efficacy against pathogens,
    • changes in the environmental microbial ecology, and
    • the development of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial drugs. Research efforts also seek to understand the biological mechanisms causing resistance.

These research activities support the needs of FDA’s animal health regulators, on issues including pre-market drug review, compliance, post-approval monitoring, and animal feed safety.


Research Publications

  • CVM Office of Research Publications Database
    Scientists at the Office of Research publish our findings in peer-reviewed science journals, books, and related articles. This is a searchable database of OR's peer-reviewed journal publications, with full citations and technical abstracts.
  • CVM Paper Trail Database
    This database includes citations and summaries of the peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and posters describing CVM scientists’ research.

Page Last Updated: 10/14/2016
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