Animal & Veterinary

Recalls & Withdrawals

Recalls – of which there are three types – are actions taken by a firm to remove a product from the market. Recalls may be conducted on a firm's own initiative, by FDA request, or by FDA order under statutory authority.

Animal & Veterinary Recalls Archive

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Date Brand Name Product Description Reason/ Problem Company Recall Type
01/13/2017 Grange Co-op Rouge   Rabbit Pellets   Contain high levels of vitamin D Grange Co-op 454, 69, 183, 495
01/13/2017 Blue Ridge Beef   Raw Dog and Cat food   Listeria monocytogenes Blue Ridge Beef 454, 220, 69, 183, 495
01/06/2017 9LivesTM, EverPetTM, and Special KittyTM   Canned cat food   Possible low levels of thiamine (Vitamin B1) J.M. Smucker Company 454, 69, 220, 187, 495, 183
01/03/2017 9LivesTM, EverPetTM, and Special KittyTM   Canned cat food   Possible low levels of thiamine (Vitamin B1) J.M. Smucker Company 454, 220, 69, 183, 495
12/28/2016 Duravet   Duramycin-10 Soluble Powder   Stability Failure Huvepharma, Inc 208, 183
12/23/2016 JES   Premium 40 Tubs (beef cattle feed)   Elevated levels of non-protein nitrogen Whitestone Feeds, Inc. 454, 69, 220, 183, 495
12/14/2016 Ridley Block Operations   Beef cattle feed   Elevated levels on non-protein nitrogen Ridley Block Operations 454, 69, 183, 495
12/08/2016 Blue Ridge Beef   Pet Food   Salmonella, Listeria Blue Ridge Beef 454, 220, 69, 495, 183
11/30/2016 Intermountain Farmers Association (IFA)   Rabbit feed   May contain higher than acceptable levels of Vitamin D Intermountain Farmers Association (IFA) 454, 69, 183, 220, 495
10/07/2016 Cesar   Filet Mignon Flavor wet dog food   Presence of plastic Mars Petcare US 454, 220, 69, 104, 105, 767, 495, 183
09/20/2016 Wells Pharmacy Network   Sterile human and veterinary compounded products   Concern for Lack of Sterility Assurance Wells Pharmacy Network 208, 495, 183
06/24/2016 Purina Lamb Grower   Purina Animal Nutrition LLC   Elevated Copper Levels Purina Animal Nutrition LLC 454, 183, 495, 187
06/23/2016 Rad Cat   Raw cat food   Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes Radagast Pet Food, Inc. 454, 104, 495, 183, 69
05/17/2016 Well Care Compounding Pharmacy   Unexpired sterile compounded products   Concern over lack of sterility assurance Well Care Compounding Pharmacy 208, 105, 104, 183, 184, 495
05/06/2016 Manna Pro   Chick Starter Medicated   May contain excessive salt Manna Pro Products, LLC 454, 69, 495, 183
03/26/2016 Smallbatch Pets Inc.   Frozen Dog Duckbatch Sliders   Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes Smallbatch Pets Inc. 454, 69, 183, 495
03/25/2016 Reliable Compounding Pharmacy or Reliable Drug   All compounded products within expiry   Lack of quality assurance and potential mislabeling Reliable Drug Pharmacy 454, 495, 183
03/25/2016 Reliable Drug Pharmacy   All compounded drug products within expiry   Lack of quality assurance Reliable Drug Pharmacy 454, 495, 183
03/19/2016 MFA   Bagged and bulk MFA 16% and 17% rabbit feed   Product tested high for salt MFA Incorporated 69, 183, 495, 495, 495


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Page Last Updated: 01/17/2017
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