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After just two weeks of work, the House has already passed several sweeping bills that, if enacted, would roll back scores of Obama administration regulations and make it significantly harder for future presidents to write similar rules.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said this month that regulatory rollbacks “will be one of the highest priorities of this new unified Republican government.”|By Mike DeBonis

#BREAKING: Tonight the House voted to rein in the federal regulatory system with greater accountability & transparency.

After 8 years of the Obama Administration adding billions of dollars in regulatory burdens, House Republicans are getting to work to roll back his liberal agenda and get the economy back on the right track.

Read more:…/goodlatte-marino-chabot-ratc…/

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Tammy Gaede
· October 11, 2016
It's called theft! It's time to take legal action and start suing elected officials for their part in this theft!

(South Florida Sun-Sentiinel) More Cubans ar...e coming to Florida in their golden years to retire, able to tap U.S. government assistance even though they never lived or worked here.

The number of Cubans arriving over the age of 60 grew fivefold since 2010, according to state refugee data. At least 185 made the crossing in their 80s or 90s.

Unlike most other immigrants, Cubans qualify immediately for food stamps and Medicaid. If they are over 65 with little or no income, they also can collect a monthly check of up to $733 in Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Cubans’ special status has enabled an increasing number of elderly to retire to the U.S. with taxpayer support. The number of Cubans immigrating after age 60 and eligible for refugee assistance in Florida has increased fivefold since 2010.

“They’re getting cheap apartments, food stamps,” said Cuban-born attorney Pedro Fuentes-Cid of Tampa. “They tell their friends in Cuba, and they come over.”

This is called the fleecing of taxpayers. It's insane and must stop!
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Deb Ann
· October 8, 2016
I feel as though our system has opened a door they cannot close. Policy of this type allowing and upholding , has made it easy for such crimes to be committed i...n manners which remind me of barbarism. It appears we can not and will not be supported as American.America! What is America? What is the flag which flies over us? I have always believed, that when one door is shut, you nail it! Now , our so-called system, is wanting to open the borders to everyone . Wolves and dogs cannot live together in a peaceful world. Do you think your political system is going to realize this? Eventually common since mankind, only the strong survive! You throw a civilized nation within uncivilized, that is the way we are heading. People need to wake up and realize the path that they have chosen, is apparently not the best. See More
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Illegal Immigration is Not a Victimless Crime
The central issue is the perception, rooted in reality, of a two tiered justice system - a different set of rules for some like Secretary of State Clinton. It frankly should not matter whether you are running for president or running late to a kid's ball game. The same rules should to apply to everyone.
A good reminder as the 115th Session of Congress begins: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

For eight years, the Obama Administration has brought us one thing in response to the nation’s need for recovery from hard times —failure — by abusing regulations to force its will on the American people.

But it is a new day in America. The incoming Administration promises a new approach to make America great again. The Regulatory Accountability Act will give this new Administration the tools.


The regulations coming out of the executive branch are out of control. With a unified Republican government, we've already started working on bills to reign in the overreach and relieve the burden caused by unnecessary regulations.

The House passed 2 bills last week and is set to pass a package of 6 bills tomorrow - all aimed at easing the regulatory burden on workers, families, and small businesses across the country.

House Republicans are coming out of the gate in the new Congress with a package of bills taking aim at the executive branch.
Posted by Trey Gowdy
Trey Gowdy

To all of the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to the safety of others - thank you today and every day #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay

#BREAKING: The House just passed the Regulations From the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act.

Over $150 billion was added in regulations by the Obama Administration last year alone, and that huge burden takes a toll on the American economy. Now, the American people have a say by letting Congress put a check on the overreaching executive branch.

The bill curbs unnecessary regulations from agencies and holds federal bureaucrats accountable for imposing the heaviest burdens on America’s economy, guaranteeing no major regulation becomes effective until Congress approves it.

A good reminder as the 115th Session of Congress begins:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


ICYMI: The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on Wednesday giving Congress the power to kill dozens of recently enacted rules in one fell swoop.

That means any federal regulation approved since May could be voided by the Republican-led Congress once President-elect Donald Trump moves into the White House and can sign off on their disapproval.|By Lisa Lambert

#BREAKING: Today the House passed the Midnight Rules Relief Act to give the American people a way to stop the burdensome regulations proposed by outgoing presidents - like the $6 billion in new regulations proposed by the Obama Administration that would crush the economy.

An end to the abuse of Midnight Rules will stop the current and future administrations from issuing new regulations just to further a political agenda, with costly impacts that could outlast the administration itself.

We mentioned yesterday we were hitting the ground running to stop excessive regulations by the executive. Today, Congressman Bob Goodlatte announced a comprehensive plan to do just that.

The Regulatory Accountability Act is a major step to reverse the negative effects regulations are having on our economy. Read more about it here ⤵️

The barriers regulations have built halt economic growth but those burdens can be lifted, and Congress has the opportunity to make our economy work for hardworking Americans again.

We're hitting the ground running in the 115th Congress. First on the agenda for the year is putting a stop to executive branch overreach and excessive regulations.

Congress teeing up bills to roll back existing federal rules and make new ones harder.

From Chairman Goodlatte and everyone at the House Judiciary Committee, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

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President Obama is using his last months in office to issue crushing regulations that could hurt the economy for years to come.

House Republicans will continue to fight these last minute regulations and ensure the American people are protected from an agenda the country rejected in November.

Potomac Watch columnist Kimberley A. Strassel writes that the president’s final goal is to issue more regulatory rules and executive orders than the new administration could ever find time to repeal.|By Kimberley A. Strassel

Encryption is inexorably tied to our national interests. It is a safeguard for our personal secrets and economic prosperity. It helps to prevent crime and protect national security.

The potential consequences of inaction—or overreaction—are too important to allow historical or ideological perspectives to stand in the way of progress.

We must strive to find common ground in our collective responsibility: to prevent crime, protect national security, and provide the best possible conditions for peace and prosperity.

The Obama Administration's immigration policies have been a complete failure. We must secure the border and enforce current laws to stop this surge in illegal immigration.

More than 15,000 illegal immigrants traveling as families were nabbed at the U.S.-Mexico border in November — a massive increase that marks the worst November on record, and the second-worst overall, according to new statistics released Thursday by Homeland Security.|By Stephen Dinan