Antarctic Ecosystem Research: the US AMLR Program

AERD researchers Mike Goebel and Doug Krause use high tech drones and cameras to further our understanding of pinniped populations in the Antarctic.  Read more here.

The Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division ( AERD) conducts research to fulfill NOAA's mandate of providing scientific advice that supports United States (U.S.) interests related to resource management by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCAMLR), of which the U.S. is a Member. NOAA Fisheries' Antarctic research is mandated by the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) Convention Act of 1984, thus the program of work undertaken and managed by the AERD is widely known as the U.S. AMLR Program. The U.S. AMLR Program is internationally recognized for its ongoing contributions to ecosystem-based management of fisheries that impact krill, finfishes, krill-dependent predators, and other components of the Antarctic ecosystem.  

The AERD manages the US AMLR Program under the direction of George Watters.

Last modified: 1/11/2017