Northwest CSC

Scientists walking through a pacific northwest marsh with equipment

The Northwest CSC strives to be nationally recognized as a best-practice model for the provision of climate science and decision support tools to address conservation and management issues in the Pacific Northwest Region.

For more information, visit the Northwest CSC website

Explore NW CSC science projects

Region Map

Map of the Northwest CSC region


Gustavo Bisbal
USGS Director, NW CSC
U.S. Geological Survey

Phil Mote
University Director, NW CSC
Oregon State University


Oregon State University (Host)
University of Washington
University of Idaho

Strategic Planning Documents and Reports

cover page of NW CSC strategic planStrategic Plan 2012-2016
Science Agenda 2012-2016
Overview of the NW CSC
FY16 Workplan
FY15 Workplan
FY14 Workplan
FY13 Workplan

cover page of NW CSC FY 15 annual report

FY15 Annual Report
FY14 Annual Report
FY13 Annual Report
FY12 Annual Report
FY11 Annual Report


Photo on page: Scientists in a Pacific Northwest marsh, USGS