North Central

Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
2015 - 2017Climate Change Adaptation in the Northern Great Plains Using Model-Based Scenario Planning
    • Amy Symstad (Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center)
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    2015 - 2018Forecasting Changes in Sagebrush Distribution and Abundance under Climate Change: Integration of Spatial, Temporal, and Mechanistic Models
      • Benjamin Poulter (Montana State University)
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      2015 - 2016Informing Adaptation Strategies for Maintaining Landscape Connectivity for Northern Rockies Wildlife in the Face of Climate Change
        • Steven Hostetler (Branch of Regional Research, Western Region)
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        2015 - 2017The Wind River Indian Reservation’s Vulnerability to the Impacts of Drought and the Development of Decision Tools to Support Drought Preparedness
          • Cody Knutson (National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
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          2015 - 2017Understanding Dynamics of Land Use Switching with Satellite and Field Level Data in Context of Climate Variability
            • David A. Hennessy (Iowa State University)
            • Christopher Anderson (Iowa State University)
            • Hongli Feng (Iowa State University)
            • Peter Wolter (Iowa State University)
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            Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
            2014 - 2017Building our Foundational Understanding on How Climate Change is Impacting Fish, Wildlife, and Habitats of Concern (2014-2016)
              • Andrew Hansen (Montana State University)
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              2014 - 2017Building our Foundational Understanding on Primary Climate Drivers (2014-2016)
                • Imtiaz Rangwala (University of Colorado, Boulder)
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                2014 - 2017Building our Foundational Understanding: Helping Land Managers Adapt to Climate Change (2014-2016)
                  • Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University)
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                  2015 - 2019Continued Capacity Building in the North-Central U.S.: Tribal Engagement and PhenoCam Analysis
                    • Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University)
                    • Brian Miller (Colorado State University)
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                    Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                    2013 - 2018Building Social and Ecological Resilience to Climate Change in southwestern Colorado
                      • Nina Burkardt (Fort Collins Science Center)
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                      2013 - 2014Capacity Building in the North-Central U.S.: Tribal Engagement, Climate Training, and PhenoCam Deployment
                        • Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University (CSU) Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL))
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                        2013 - 2014Developing a VisTrails Platform for Modeling Streamflow Hydrology and Projecting Climate Change Effects on Streamflow
                          • Lauren Hay (USGS National Research Program)
                          • Patrick Shafroth (Fort Collins Science Center)
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                          2013 - 2016Foundational Science Area FY’13 activities
                            • Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University (CSU) Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL))
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                            2013 - 2016Informing Implementation of the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee’s (GYCC) Whitebark Pine (WBP) Strategy Based on Climate Sciences, Ecological Forecasting, and Valuation of WBP-Related Ecosystem Services
                              • Andrew Hansen (Montana State University)
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                              2013 - 2017Surrogate Species for Wetland-Dependent Birds in the Prairie Pothole Region: Selection, Evaluation, and Management Application in the Face of Climate Change
                                • Susan K Skagen (Fort Collins Science Center)
                                • Barry Noon (Colorado State University)
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                                Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                                2012 - 2016Adaptive Capacity and Decision Making Framework
                                  • Dennis S Ojima (Colorado State University)
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                                  2012 - 2014Integrating Climate and Biological Data into Land Management Decision Models to Assess Species and Habitat Vulnerability: A Collaboration for Greater Sage-­‐Grouse and their Habitats
                                    • Richard S Sojda (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
                                    • Erik A Beever (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
                                    • Kathryn M Irvine (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
                                    • Gregory T Pederson (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
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                                    2012 - 2014Projecting Climate Change Effects on Cottonwood and Willow Seed Dispersal Phenology, Flood Timing, and Seedling Recruitment in Western Riparian Forests
                                      • Dr. Patrick Shafroth (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Fort Collins Science Center)
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                                      2012 - 2014Projecting Future Effects of Land Management, Natural Disturbance, and CO2 on Woody Encroachment in the Northern Great Plains in a Changing Climate
                                        • Amy Symstad (U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center)
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                                        2012 - 2016Regional Extreme Climate Events: Gaining Understanding through Past and Present Observations and Modeling
                                          • Christopher Anderson (Iowa State University)
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                                          2011Regional Short- and Long-term Climate Impacts on Northern Rocky Mountain’s and Great Plain’s Ecosystems: NASA DEVELOP Program Central US Node
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                                              2012 - 2013The Value of Climate Information for Supporting Management Decisions within the Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC
                                                • Max Post van der Burg (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center)
                                                • Cathy Cullinane Thomas (USGS Fort Collins Science Center)
                                                • Tracy R Holcombe (USGS Fort Collins Science Center)
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                                                2012 - 2016Vulnerability Assessment of Ecological Systems and Species to Climate and Land Use Change within the North Central Climate Change Center and Partner Land Conservation Cooperatives
                                                  • Andrew Hansen (Montana State University)
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                                                  2012 - 2017Wyoming Rapid Ecoregional Assessment
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                                                      Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                                                      2011 - 2012Collaborative Modeling Approaches for Climate and Landscape Planning in the Northern Rockies: Exploring FRAME-SIMPPLLE
                                                        • Cathy Whitlock (Montana State University)
                                                        • Kathryn M Irvine (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
                                                        • Erik A Beever (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
                                                        • Natasha B Carr (Fort Collins Science Center)
                                                        • Carl D Shapiro (Science and Decisions Center)
                                                        • Jimmie Chew (U.S. Forest Service)
                                                        • Richard S Sojda (Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
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                                                        2011 - 2014North Central Climate Impacts and Response Research and Assessment
                                                        • Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University)
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