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Proudly display your support for a healthier future. Follow the instructions below to add one of the Healthy People Web badges to your Web site or blog.

  1. Copy the HTML code of the badge you want to add.
  2. Paste the code into the HTML of your Web page.
How the Badge will appear on your Web page

HTML code to use on your Web page

Who is Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Find out.

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<a href="" target="_blank" title="LHIs"><img alt="Who is Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Find out." height="250" src="/sites/default/files/LHIs1.jpg" width="300"></a>

We Support a Healthier Future - Healthy People 2020

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<a href= "" target="_blank" title="LHIs"><img src="/sites/default/files/LHIs2.jpg" alt="Who is Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Find out." width="160" height="600" /></a>
Get Healthy People 2020 program planning tools: MAP-IT - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="MAP-IT"><img src="/sites/default/files/MapIt_1.jpg" alt="Get Healthy People 2020 program planning tools: MAP-IT - Healthy People 2020" width="120" height="240" /></a>
Get Healthy People 2020 program planning tools: MAP-IT - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="MAP-IT"><img src="/sites/default/files/MapIt_2.jpg" alt="Get Healthy People 2020 program planning tools: MAP-IT - Healthy People 2020" width="120" height="240" /></a>
I Believe in a Healthier Nation for All Americans - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="Healthy People Public Comment"><img src="/sites/default/files/Map_Vertical.jpg" alt="I Believe in a Healthier Nation for All Americans - Healthy People 2020" width="120" height="240" /></a>
We Support a Healthier Future - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="Healthy People Public Comment"><img src="/sites/default/files/People_Vertical.jpg" alt="We Support a Healthier Future - Healthy People 2020" width="120" height="240" /></a>
I Believe in a Healthier Nation for All Americans - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="Healthy People Public Comment"><img src="/sites/default/files/Map_Square.jpg" alt="I Believe in a Healthier Nation for All Americans - Healthy People 2020" width="125" height="125" /></a>
We Support a Healthier Future - Healthy People 2020
<a href= "" target="_blank" title="Healthy People Public Comment"><img src="/sites/default/files/People_Square.jpg" alt="We Support a Healthier Future - Healthy People 2020" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Linking to & Disclaimer

We appreciate your interest in linking to and look forward to your support in creating a healthier nation for all Americans.

We invite partners and other responsible organizations and individuals on the Internet to link to to promote a mutual goal of making Healthy People come alive for all Americans. has been developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and focuses on Federal resources. Our content guidelines do not permit us to link back to every organization; however, we welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

Please Note: Any link you establish must avoid the appearance that endorses any information supplied by others or any specific product or service, since Federal law prohibits the government from doing so.