Argonne National Laboratory

About Argonne
Our science redefines the possible.

Argonne is a multidisciplinary science and engineering research center, where talented scientists and engineers work together to answer the biggest questions facing humanity, from how to obtain affordable clean energy to protecting ourselves and our environment. Ever since we were born out of the University of Chicago’s work on the Manhattan Project in the 1940s, our goal has been to make an impact — from the atomic to the human to the global scale.

The laboratory works in concert with universities, industry, and other national laboratories on questions and experiments too large for any one institution to do by itself. Through collaborations here and around the world, we strive to discover new ways to develop energy innovations through science, create novel materials molecule-by-molecule, and gain a deeper understanding of our planet, our climate, and the cosmos.

Surrounded by the highest concentration of top-tier research organizations in the world, Argonne leverages its Chicago-area location to lead discovery and to power innovation in a wide range of core scientific capabilities, from high-energy physics and materials science to biology and advanced computer science.

At Argonne, we explore the world together in order to build a better one.

Visionary science
We pursue big, ambitious ideas that redefine what is possible. Our research pushes the boundaries of fundamental science, applied science, and engineering to solve complex challenges and develop useful technologies that can transform the marketplace and change the world.

Unmatched scientific facilities, programs, and talent
Our diverse and dynamic research agenda spans 15 research divisions, 12 centers, and five national user facilities. This rich scientific environment provides our researchers – and those who visit us from all corners of the globe – with an extraordinary range of cutting-edge facilities and scientific tools that support in-depth research, drive technological breakthroughs, and improve our nation’s competitiveness and quality of life.

Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science

Lab at a Glance

Fiscal Year 2015

Budget: $760 million
Procurement: $325 million


  • 3,298 total employees (FTEs)
  • 1,623 scientists and engineers
  • 315 postdoctoral scholars
  • 457 graduate and undergrad students
  • 248 joint faculty
  • 7,186+ facility users


  • 15 research divisions
  • 5 national scientific user facilities
  • Many centers, joint institutes, program offices
  • Hundreds of research partners