
Have a question about what centers are within NAISE and what interaction NAISE has with other centers? Explore our activities and collaborations.


Have a project that can utilize equipment or collaboration? Join us. NAISE Fellows can access resources outside the walls of their home institution and form new collaborations.


Experiential learning awaits at Argonne National Labs and Northwestern. Work with NAISE Fellows on a variety of projects in Materials Science, Energy, Biomedical Science, Computer Science and more.

NSF supports “Array of Things” prototype in Chicago

New urban-scale smart city technology acts as a fitness tracker for livability

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Argo: OS for exascale

For high-performance computing’s next wave, today’s humble operating system will have to assume new roles in synchronizing and coordinating tasks. Argo: OS for...
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William Miller’s NAISE Mini-Sabbatical Presentation

William Miller presents his mini-sabbatical research: to instrument, monitor, and model ecosystem services provided by the Indian Boundary Prairies (IBP; high-quality remnant prairies owned by The Nature Conservancy and Northeastern Illinois University) in Markham, IL.

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