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NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System (HAB-OFS)

Operational Conditions Reports

HAB-OFS Products:
Public Conditions Reports by Region (including Impact Forecasts):

Operational Conditions Reports
Southwest Florida Forecast Region Maps
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Not present to high concentrations of Karenia brevis
(commonly known as Florida red tide) are present along- and
offshore portions of southwest Florida, and not present in
the Florida Keys. K. brevis concentrations are patchy in
nature and levels of respiratory irritation will vary
locally based upon nearby bloom concentrations, ocean
currents, and wind speed and direction. The highest level
of potential respiratory irritation forecast for Tuesday,
January 17 through Thursday, January 19 is listed below:

County Region: Forecast (Duration)
Southern Pinellas: Moderate (Tu-Th)
Southern Pinellas, bay regions: Moderate (Tu-Th)
Northern Manatee, bay regions: Moderate (Tu-Th)
Southern Manatee: Very Low (Tu-Th)
Southern Manatee, bay regions: Low (Tu-Th)
Northern Sarasota: Moderate (Tu-Th)
Northern Sarasota, bay regions: Moderate (Tu-Th)
Southern Charlotte, bay regions: Very Low (Tu-Th)
All Other SWFL County Regions: None expected (Tu-Th)

for recent, local observations. Health information, from
the Florida Department of Health and other agencies, is
available at
There have been no reports of respiratory irritation since
the last bulletin. Dead fish were reported in Lee County. 
Northwest Florida to Louisiana Forecast Region Maps
Thursday, January 19, 2017

There are currently no reports of harmful algae in this region. 
No impacts are expected.

Last report: Monday, October 31, 2016
East Florida
Thursday, January 19, 2017

There are currently no reports of harmful algae in this region. 
No impacts are expected.

Last report: Monday, August 01, 2016
Texas Forecast Region Maps
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Karenia brevis (commonly known as Texas red tide) ranges
from not present to very low concentrations along the coast
of Texas. No respiratory irritation is expected alongshore
Texas Tuesday, January 17 through Monday, January 23. 

for recent, local observations.

About the NOAA HAB-OFS Conditions Report

Harmful algal blooms of Karenia brevis, the organism responsible for red tide in the Gulf of Mexico, can impact the health of humans and animal life. The blooms are patchy in nature and the impacts vary by location and throughout the day depending on nearby bloom concentrations, ocean currents, surf conditions, and wind speed and direction. The NOAA HAB-OFS Conditions Report identifies whether or not there are K. brevis cell concentrations. When K. brevis cell concentrations are present, the report indicates the general location and provides forecasts of the highest potential level of associated respiratory irritation as described here. The Conditions Reports are based on the analysis of information from HAB-OFS Contributors & Data Providers.

Health Info, HAB Observations, and other Data Resources

The Local Beach Conditions page provides a list of sources for up-to-date information about the observed, local beach conditions in Florida and Texas. During a K. brevis bloom, the Conditions Report and resources on the Local Beach Conditions page may help you find an unaffected beach nearby. For health information and resources, see the Health Information page.

Additional bloom analysis is included in the HAB Bulletin, which is emailed to a list of subscribers who have natural resource management responsibilities and are involved in HAB event response. To view archived HAB Bulletins or learn more about them and how to subscribe, visit the Bulletin page.

Other Sources of Gulf of Mexico HAB Status Info:

Check our Local Beach Conditions page.

View map of cell counts and environmental data.

Click to go to the NOAA HABs Observing System

Health Questions about Red Tide?

Visit Our HAB Health Information Page

For 24/7 medical advice about the health impacts of red tide, call your local Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222).


Revised: 10/15/2013
NOAA / National Ocean Service
Web site owner: Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services