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2014 Farm Bill Pilot Projects

Last Published: 06/17/2016

The 2014 Farm Bill authorized up to $200 million for the development, implementation, and evaluation of up to 10 pilot projects designed to reduce dependency and increase work effort under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). These pilots will give USDA and States the opportunity to build on existing SNAP E&T programs and test new strategies to determine the most effective ways to help SNAP recipients gain and retain employment that leads to self-sufficiency.

USDA has awarded pilot grants to 10 States through a competitive process. Collectively, selected projects will test a range of job-driven strategies, including intensive sector-based approaches and career pathways that prepare workers for specific occupations; career navigation and job readiness; work-based learning; and comprehensive assessment and intensive case management.

The projects also include a strong mix of urban and rural areas, test mandatory and voluntary programs, and target a variety of work registrants, including childless adults, long-term unemployed workers, non-custodial parents and homeless adults. The selected projects reflect a diversity of geographic areas, including rural and urban settings.

An independent, longitudinal evaluation of each pilot project will be conducted to measure the impact of E&T programs and services on the ability of participants to obtain and retain employment. Interim results of the evaluation will be reported every 12 months until the projects are complete.

USDA is also committed to working with States to strengthen connections between SNAP recipients and employers through the core SNAP E&T program, which is operated by all 53 SNAP State agencies.

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Information for Applicants (Archived)