Related Information

Additional information on budget policy and grants funding policies may be found at NIAMS Grant Funding Decisions

History of Actual Obligations - FY 1987 to present

History of Competing Research Project Grants

Funding Plan Fiscal Year 2017

January 17, 2017

The NIAMS is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) through April 28, 2017. The interim funding plan for research and training grants is cited below:

Research Project Grants (RPGs)

Noncompeting RPGs:

In accordance with established NIH policy (see link), noncompeting awards will be issued at an amount up to 90 percent of the previously committed level.

Competing RPGs:

  • Competing R01 applications will be paid through the percentile of 10.0.
  • Competing R01 applications from new investigators will be paid through the percentile of 18.0.
  • Competing R21 applications will be paid through the percentile of 10.0.
  • A payline has not been set for competing R15 applications.
  • A payline has not been set for competing R03 applications.
  • Based on case-by-case review of grant applications by program directors, reductions from direct costs recommended will be approximately 12 percent. No reductions will be taken on applications with direct costs of $100,000 or less.
  • A pool of funds has been set aside for selective payment. Applications chosen for select pay are those that do not fall within the current percentile payline, but which are deemed to have particular relevance to the Institute's scientific and health priorities. Projects to be funded on this basis are recommended by Institute staff and/or Advisory Council members. Applicants may not apply for select pay consideration. Final decisions are made by the Director, NIAMS, following staff discussion.
  • Rarely, NIAMS receives an application that is within the Institute's payline, but is deemed to be of low program priority. In such instances, these cases are discussed in depth with members of the National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Advisory Council before the Institute Director makes a final funding decision. An application can be considered low priority for many reasons, including (but not limited to) redundancy with other projects, concerns about the ultimate relevance of the proposed study's results, or a lack of scientific premise.


  • A payline has not been set for competing SBIR/STTR applications.

Research Career Awards

  • Competing K01/K08/K25 applications will be paid through the priority score 22.
  • Competing K23/24 applications will be paid through the priority score of 19.
  • A payline has not been set for competing K99 applications.

Research Training

  • Competing research training fellowships (F31, F32, and F33) will be paid through the percentile 12.0.
  • A payline has not been set for research training fellowships (F30).
  • Competing institutional training applications (T32) will be paid through the priority score 20.