Office of River Protection

Office of River Protection Newsroom

The environmental cleanup work taking place at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation represents one of America’s most challenging, technologically advanced projects.  Accurate reporting of the cleanup work at Hanford is critical to ensuring that citizens, stakeholders, regulatory officials, tribal leaders, and the Site employees understand the scope of the work, the dangers associated with it, and the commitment to safety that is paramount with all tasks at Hanford.

Media assigned to cover Hanford have a number of resources available to them on this website intended to provide assistance in reporting on Hanford stories, milestones, and achievements.  Included in this section of www.hanford.gov are contact names and numbers of the Site’s media relations professionals, video of the Site, still photographs of Hanford, and fact sheets about the various projects and facilities.  Please also feel free to visit other areas of this website for additional information about Hanford.



DOE Office of River Protection Hanford on Social Media 
Tank Farms and Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant

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Last Updated 02/16/2016 7:58 AM