Big Data Fabrics Emerge to Ease Hadoop Pain

Big Data Fabrics Emerge to Ease Hadoop Pain

If Hadoop is leaving your data lake project all wet, you may be a good candidate for an emerging architectural concept called the big data fabric. Read more…

4 Ways Uber Movement Data Can Be Used

4 Ways Uber Movement Data Can Be Used

Smart city planners rejoiced last week when Uber announced it would share trip data gathered from vehicles in its ridesharing fleet through its new Uber Movement offering. Read more…

JanusGraph Picks Up Where TitanDB Left Off

JanusGraph Picks Up Where TitanDB Left Off

Yesterday marked the formal launch of JanusGraph, a new Linux Foundation project formed to continue development of the TitanDB graph database. Read more…

DataRobot Delivers an ML Automation Boost for Evariant

DataRobot Delivers an ML Automation Boost for Evariant

Companies in all industries face an acute shortage of data scientists, those digital alchemists who turn raw data into gold. Read more…

Datanami Headlines

Data Governance Startup Gains Funding

The growing importance of data governance tools used to ensure the integrity of business intelligence processes and methods are fueling investment as data volumes and types continue to grow.

In the latest example, data governance software vendor Collibra said this week it has pushed its venture funding total over $75 million with the close of a $50 million financing round. Read more…

Intel Unveils Deep Learning Framework for Spark

Chip giant Intel last week rolled out a new deep learning framework that runs as a Spark job atop Hadoop. Called BigDL, the open source software is designed to take advantage of hardware acceleration capabilities that Intel has built into its Xeon CPUs. Read more…

AI ‘Inevitable,’ Retraining Needed, Survey Finds

Much debated concerns about the impact artificial intelligence on the global workforce are again highlighted in a new study on AI adoption, but so too are worries among CIOs who worry they lack the in-house skills to deploy and manage machine intelligence. Read more…

Big Data Career Notes (Jan. 2017)

In this monthly feature, we’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest career developments for individuals in the big data community. Whether it’s a promotion, new company hire, or even an accolade, we’ve got the details. Read more…

Cisco Aims to Shrink Big Data Skills Gap

Cisco Systems today introduced new educational offerings aimed at narrowing the looming skills gap in the areas of data analytics and digital transformation. In particular, the new analytics program is designed to help Cisco customers make sense of the zettabytes worth of new data that will be collected over the Internet of Things in the coming years. Read more…

Apeiron Gains Partner For its Net Storage Platform

Looking to unclog big data network and storage bottlenecks, a Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) vendor and technology integrator have launched a partnership designed to deliver a NVMe over Ethernet platform that targets the analytics and Internet of Things processing sectors. Read more…

Clemson Software Optimizes Big Data Transfers

Data-intensive science is not a new phenomenon as the high-energy physics and astrophysics communities can certainly attest, but today more and more scientists are facing steep data and throughput challenges fueled by soaring data volumes and the demands of global-scale collaboration. Read more…

Cybersecurity Grabs the Big Data Spotlight

For all the good that big data can bring your company, it also introduces certain risks. Thanks to a growing awareness about the importance of cybersecurity as a result of recent high-profile breaches, businesses will have a harder time ignoring these risks in 2017, technology executives say. Read more…

Deep Learning Developers Eye Fintech Apps

With artificial intelligence all the rage these days, market trackers are attempting to gauge just where the technology is headed and which industry sectors will lead development for specific big data and other enterprise use cases. Read more…

Google Lauds Outside Influence on Apache Beam

Apache Beam started life as a decidedly Google-ish technology designed to mask the complexity inherent in building sophisticated analytic pipelines that run across distributed systems. But over the course of becoming a top level project at the Apache Software Foundation during the past year, the unified big data programming framework now boasts a more varied cast of supporting characters. Read more…

Fake News, AI, and the Search for Truth

Multiple weaknesses were exposed in public institutions in connection with last year’s election. First, cybercriminals tried to hack the outcome, then pollsters failed to read voter sentiment accurately. Finally, fake news crept into our news feeds, distorting our collective view of the real world. Read more…

Spark Gets In-Memory Boost

Apache Spark is getting an open source computing and storage boost with its integration with a widely used in-memory data platform.

Hazelcast Inc. said Tuesday (Jan. 10) its in-memory data grid adds connector support for Spark, giving developers access to open source tools for data storage and computing that the company says go beyond the limits of a single Java virtual machine. Read more…

Object Storage Ecosystem Grows While Standardizing and Consolidating, IDC Says

The object storage system landscape has changed dramatically in the past year thanks to consolidation of the players involved and technological standardization, IDC says in its latest report.

Object-based storage systems are growing in popularity thanks to their nearly unlimited storage scalability and greater flexibility compared to traditional file systems. Read more…