The Federal Maritime Commission Newsroom


Online Registration Renewal System Available for Foreign-Based NVOCCs

August 8, 2016

NR 16-15

Contact: Karen V. Gregory, Secretary (202) 523-5725

In support of the Commission’s 2013 final rule concerning registration of foreign-based unlicensed Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs), the Commission has developed an online filing system for the renewal of registrations.

Any foreign-based NVOCC not licensed with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) must file a registration Form FMC-65 (Foreign-based Unlicensed NVOCC Registration/Renewal), before performing services in the U.S. foreign oceanborne trades. A registration for an unlicensed, foreign-based NVOCC is effective for a 3-year period. There is no fee to file Form FMC-65 for a registration renewal.

Beginning August 3, 2016, foreign-based NVOCCs currently registered with the FMC will receive an email notification from the FMC alerting the NVOCC of their upcoming renewal date. FMC email notifications will be issued no more than 30 days prior to an NVOCC’s registration renewal date. The email will provide instructions on how to renew registration using the online filing system, and include a unique user name and password to access the system. Once logged in, the foreign registered NVOCC will have the option to self-renew its registration, or assign the renewal process to its tariff publisher or other third party filer. Please note, with the implementation of this new electronic filing system, paper, email, or facsimile renewals will no longer be accepted.

The renewal process will include a pre-populated Form FMC-65 containing the most current information for the registered NVOCC on file with the FMC. If the information on file with the FMC is correct, the NVOCC, or authorized tariff publisher or third-party filer will simply click the "submit" button to file the renewal. If any change to the pre-populated information is required, the filer will have the option to update the form electronically before clicking the "submit" button. Filers will receive a confirmation of receipt. Once the FMC reviews the renewal application, filers will receive another message indicating whether the renewal submission was accepted or if additional information is required.

How to Confirm Registration Renewal Dates:

All foreign-based NVOCCs registered with the FMC to provide services in the U.S. foreign oceanborne trades are listed on the FMC’s Ocean Transportation Intermediaries (OTI) List. This List also includes the date by which each foreign registered NVOCC must renew its registration with the FMC.

Important Note:

Failure to timely renew a registration by filing Form FMC-65 via the new automated renewal system can result in the termination or suspension of an NVOCC’s registration.

For more information about this new, automated registration renewal process for foreign-based NVOCCs or if you have difficulty accessing or using the system, please send email inquiries to the FMC’s Office of Ocean Transportation Intermediaries or call (202) 523-5843.

The Federal Maritime Commission is responsible for regulating the Nation’s international ocean transportation for the benefit of exporters, importers, and the American consumer. The Commission’s mission is to foster a fair, efficient, and reliable international ocean transportation system while protecting the public from unfair and deceptive practices.