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Reference Center

Worksheets & Forms

  • Budget Worksheet
    To help you track your expenses and build a monthly budget, use this worksheet for at least two or three consecutive months to get a sense of how and where you are spending your money.

  • Mortgage Worksheet
    As you research and compare different lenders and loans, use this worksheet to help you identify the mortgage option that is best for your situation and financial goals.

  • Home Maintenance Worksheet
    Use this worksheet to help you identify any home maintenance issues and repair them before they become more problematic, and potentially more expensive.

  • Lender Contact Log
    As you work with your lender to get help with your mortgage, use this worksheet to document all of your conversations and important information

  • 3rd Party Authorization Form
    If you are working with a housing counselor or other industry professional, completing this form will allow Freddie Mac to speak with them regarding your loan.



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