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USGS Chesapeake Bay Activities

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Fact Sheet

Bay Program

Bay Program logo USGS participates in the Chesapeake Bay Program by providing data, conducting studies, and serving on technical committees and workgroups.

For more articles visit ... the Bay Journal.

To read more news about the Bay visit the Chesapeake Bay Program News site.

USGS Chesapeake Bay Features

NEWbulletUSGS Paleoclimate Science Helps Set Realistic Pollution Standards more

NEWbullet USGS water-quality results were cited as part of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation "State of the Bay" 2016 report more

bulletUSGS releases initial water-quality report from small watershed study more

bulletUSGS study reveals interactive effects of climate change, invasive species on native fish more

bulletUSGS releases summary of selected 2016 Accomplishments more

bullet To read previous USGS features about the Chesapeake Bay visit...

Recent Publications

NEWbulletStorms, channel changes, and a sediment budget for an urban-suburban stream, Difficult Run, Virginia, USA—Journal Article

NEWbulletPlanting richness affects the recovery of vegetation and soil processes in constructed wetlands following disturbance—Journal Article

bulletPatterns of diel variation in nitrate concentrations in the Potomac River—Journal Article

bulletBrook trout use of thermal refugia and foraging habitat influenced by brown trout—Journal Artcle

For more visit the Bibliography of USGS Chesapeake Bay Publications page.

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Jan-2017 11:07:44 EST