PHMSA Inspection Results in Notice of Probable Violation, and Proposed Civil Penalties Proposed Compliance Order for Kinder Morgan Natural Gas Pipeline Company.
  • Article
Nov 2, 2016

PHMSA 28-16
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

News Digest

PHMSA Inspection Results in Notice of Probable Violation, and Proposed Civil Penalties Proposed Compliance Order for Kinder Morgan Natural Gas Pipeline Company. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today issued a Notice of Probable Violation, Proposed Compliance Order and Proposed Civil Penalty of $131,000 to Kinder Morgan (KM) Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (NGPL) after concluding its inspection of the 4,312 mile KM Gas NGPL East System which runs from south Texas to northern Illinois. The NOPV identifies five probable violations of Federal pipeline safety regulations, including failing to adhere to a procedural manual for operations and maintenance activities by omitting valve and component conditions from 553 valves records, and a failure to document that valves were partially operated during NGPL’s inspections of emergency valves. Review the details of the enforcement case here. Contact for media: Allie Aguilera (202) 366-4831.
