NTSB Safety Recommendations

NTSB Safety Recommendations

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is required by law to respond to safety recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), an independent federal agency charged by Congress with investigating significant incidents that involve hazardous materials. Recommendations usually address a specific issue uncovered during an investigation or study and specify how to correct the situation.

Open Recommendations
The NTSB has 6 classifications for open recommendations:

OAA - Open Acceptable Response
OAAR - Open Acceptable Alternate Response
OUA - Open Unacceptable Response
ORR - Open Response Received
OAR - Open Await Response

Closed Recommendations
NTSB closes recommendations when it has been determined that sufficient actions have been achieved. NTSB organizes its closed recommendations into 7 classifications:

CEX - Closed Exceeds Recommended Action
CAA - Closed Acceptable Action
CAAA - Closed Acceptable Alternate Action
CUA - Closed Unacceptable Action
CUAN - Closed Unacceptable Action/No Response Received
CR - Closed Reconsidered
CNLA - Closed No Longer Applicable
CS - Closed Superseded
CAAS, CAAAS, CUAS - Closed Acceptable/Acceptable Alternate/Unacceptable Action Superseded


PHMSA's Office of Hazardous Materials updates the status chart when new information is available.

Status Chart by Mode

Total Open Recommendations 23
Aviation 4
Highway 5
Intermodal 0
Rail 14

Status Chart by Classification

Total Open Recommendations 23
Open - Acceptable Response 16
Open - Acceptable Alternate Response 2
Open - Unacceptable Response 5
Open - Unclassified 0