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Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Transition

GDP ShutdownPaducah site_map-USEC_lease.jpg

The Energy Policy Act of 1992 transferred operational responsibility for the site's uranium enrichment operations to the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), originally a government corporation that became a publicly held company in 1998. USEC assumed responsibility for enrichment operations at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) and leased property  from DOE. DOE continued ownership of all facilities, as well as the responsibility for managing the disposition of legacy waste material and environmental cleanup. The map shows the DOE Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant property that was leased by USEC. In May 2013, USEC made the decision to cease GDP operations and return leased facilities to DOE. DOE and USEC completed transition of the plant’s process buildings and other facilities back to DOE in October 2014. When transition was complete, DOE began activities for facility deactivation and infrastructure optimization of the site.

Requirements for turnover ensured a safe and effective process.

  • USEC met NRC de-licensing requirements; NRC agreed on the transfer back to DOE.
  • DOE successfully completed Authorization of Safety Basis/Strategy.
  • DOE selected a deactivation contractor to be in place for timely facility transfer.

Pre-Turnover Planning

Early pre-turnover planning supported accelerated deactivation/stabilization of PGDP.

  • Planned the Accelerated Deposit Removal Project design and equipment purchases.
  • Planned the Electrical Power Reconfiguration Project design and construction.
  • Developed the Steam Package Boiler design with equipment purchases.
  • Completed Deactivation Project infrastructure procurements for vehicles, computers, safety equipment, radiological instruments, security equipment, and signs and postings.

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