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Paducah Public Documents

Paducah Key Regulatory Documents

Paducah Federal Facility Agreement - The Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) governs the corrective action/response action process from site investigation through site remediation as agreed to by DOE, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Kentucky under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Kentucky Revised Statute 224; and other laws and regulations identified in the FFA.

Paducah Site Management Plan - The annual Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) Site Management Plan (SMP) outlines DOE’s strategic approach for achieving cleanup under the FFA. The purpose of the SMP is to coordinate and document the potential and selected operable units, including removal actions; to define cleanup priorities; to identify work activities that will serve as the basis for enforceable timetables and deadlines under the agreement; and to establish long-term cleanup goals.

Paducah Community Relations Plan - This Paducah Community Relations Plan is a primary document of the FFA that describes how DOE will provide opportunities for the public to become involved in FFA-related decisions at PGDP and outlines how the parties to the agreement will coordinate public participation prescribed by the FFA.

Paducah Site Annual Site Environmental Report - The Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) for PGDP is prepared to inform the public, regulators, stakeholders, and other interested parties of PGDP environmental performance for each calendar year. The ASER summarizes the compliance status with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations and summarizes results of environmental monitoring.

Paducah Site End State Vision - The End State Vision for the PGDP is a tool for communicating the PGDP’s end state vision to stakeholders. This document provides information that can be used to establish clearly articulated and technically achievable cleanup goals that will focus the continuing cleanup at PGDP; serves as the primary tool for communicating the end state vision for PGDP to the involved parties (i.e., stakeholders from DOE, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and the public); and, using maps and figures, summarize the potential PGDP end state alternatives so that any cleanup decisions made can be compared to the end state vision so that variances between it and the current cleanup strategy can be identified.