Hybrid Broker for CDS Execution

Creditex is a leading interdealer broker for credit default swaps (CDS) and bonds, operating a hybrid model of voice and electronic execution and was the first interdealer broker to offer electronic CDS trading in 2004. Creditex also provides voice execution which allows market participants to trade based on their requirements .

  • Creditex pioneered electronic CDS trading with its RealTime trading platform
  • RealTime is used by more than 1,000 market participants at the world's top financial institutions
  • Liquid markets for index and single-name CDS, emerging markets, structured products and corporate bonds

Delta Neutral Auctions (DNA)

Creditex also offers the industry's leading platform for Delta-Neutral Auctions (DNA), which provide jump-to-default risk reduction

  • Delta-neutral switches between multiple counterparties to reduce unwanted curve risk while maintaining a risk-neutral portfolio
  • This market-leading product has reduced trillions in notional value of risk since inception
  • Full straight-through-processing (STP) capabilities

Post Trade Processing

Credit Event Auctions