Asset Classes


ICE lists benchmark equity derivatives products, offering a range of futures and options contracts on leading Russell, MSCI, and FTSE indexes as well a comprehensive range of Single Stock futures and options as well as Dividend Adjusted Stock futures.

Single stock futures and options provide an efficient and simple alternative to trading company stocks and offer a broad range of trading strategies for a variety of portfolio management needs.

Index derivatives contracts allow market participants to gain exposure to price movements of entire indices through a single futures and options contract.

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FTSE Indexes

FTSE Index futures and options are market-capitalisation weighted indexes of UK-listed blue chip companies and were first introduced on the Liffe market in 1984. The contracts, which migrated from Liffe to ICE Futures Europe in 2014 following the acquisition of NYSE Euronext, have experienced three decades of growth since inception and continue to provide the UK’s most liquid and successful index futures and options benchmark.

Featured Products

FTSE 100 Index Future FTSE 100 Index Option
FTSE 250 Index Future FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index Future
FTSE 100 Dividend Index - RDSA Witholding Future

MSCI Indexes

With record volumes registered in 2014 and more open interest than any other exchange, ICE is the home for trading MSCI index derivatives, including mini MSCI Emerging Markets and mini MSCI EAFE Index futures. MSCI Index derivatives have quickly become firmly established as reliable and liquid index futures benchmarks for the global equity trading community.

Featured Products

MSCI Europe Net Total Return Index Future MSCI World Net Total Return Index Future
mini MSCI EAFE Index Future mini MSCI Emerging Markets Asia (NTR) Index Future
mini MSCI Emerging Markets Index Future mini MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America Index Future
mini MSCI World Index Future

Russell Indexes

ICE Futures U.S. is the exclusive trading venue for futures and futures options, including the Russell 2000 and 1000 indexes which are offered in a mini size contract (with the contract value calculated at $100 X index value). The Russell contracts are available for trading 22 hours a day.

Featured Products

Russell 1000 Growth Index Mini Futures Russell 1000 Value Index Mini Futures
Russell 1000 Index Mini Futures Russell 2000 Growth Index Mini Futures
Russell 2000 Value Index Mini Futures Russell 2000 Index Mini Futures

Single Stock

ICE provides an unrivaled range of single stock futures and options contracts spanning multiple geographies and currencies globally. Single stock derivatives contracts on over 1,300 underlyings are available via ICE Futures Europe’s central order book or ICE Block. ICE Block provides flexibility in relation to the exercise style (American or European) and settlement type (cash settled or physically delivered) and expiry day (between 1 day and 5 years), as well as the flexibility as to whether trades are published.

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