ICE Clear Netherlands provides two types of clearing membership based on the level of client clearing required:

General Clearing Member

General clearing members are authorized to clear trades for their own account or trades which have been undertaken on behalf of its clients or other trading participants.

Direct Clearing Member

Direct clearing members are authorized to clear trades for its own account or trades which have been undertaken on behalf of its clients. Applicants for ICE Clear Netherlands membership are required under ICE Clear Netherlands Rulebook to meet certain membership criteria at the time of application and thereafter whilst a clearing member.

Each clearing member will be obliged to sign a Clearing Participant Agreement (CPA) with ICE Clear Netherlands which will include provisions pursuant to which the clearing house's rules become contractually binding to both the clearing member and clearing house.

Applications for a clearing membership must be made in writing using ICE Clear Netherlands standard documentation. Upon receipt of an application, Client Relations will liaise with the applicant to ensure that the application is complete and will undertake a due diligence.

Each application will be considered by the Risk Committee, which will advise the Board of ICE Clear Netherlands to approve or reject the application.

If you have any queries or require any further information, please e-mail

Clearing Members

General Clearing Member

  • ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V.
  • Goldman Sachs International
  • Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Ltd

Direct Clearing Member

  • ABN AMRO Bank N.V

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