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Commentary: The hard work has just begun

Commentary: Decision-making process must change with the times

Review of Autism Spending

Updated Hotline Numbers for Reporting Possible Fraud or Government Savings

Commentary: A year of new challenges and opportunities

Agency of Transportation Rail Report Press Release

Vermont Employment Growth Incentive Program Audit Report is Issued

Commentary: Auditor Tom Salmon Speaks on the Vermont Lottery

Welcome from State Auditor Tom Salmon

To request a copy of the FY2009 Financial Statement Audit and Single Audit Planning Meeting PowerPoint presentation, please e-mail dale.schaft@state.vt.us or call 828-2281.

RFP for Accounting or Auditing Services by an Independent Accounting Firm.  
Because many departments, agencies and non-profit organizations hire auditing firms only infrequently, we offer a sample Request for Proposal (RFP) that can be easily adapted to make going out for bids much easier and more productive. For a sample, click here.

Since the passage of H. 436 by the Legislature in 2008, State departments, agencies, commissions and state-created authorities are no longer required to have their RFPs for auditing services approved by the Auditor of Accounts, and the resulting audits no longer are required to be sent to the State Auditor’s Office for distribution to other State officials.  However, we do appreciate receiving copies of audit reports when they are completed.

Vermont State Auditor Thomas M. Salmon CPA
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