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Community Engagement

Oak Ridge’s EM program hosts numerous events throughout the year to interact with local residents and stakeholders.

Oak Ridge’s EM program hosts numerous events throughout the year to interact with local residents and stakeholders.

We strive to maintain a strong, cooperative relationship with local residents, municipalities, and stakeholders. Since the 33,500-acre Oak Ridge Reservation spans Anderson and Roane counties and contains the City of Oak Ridge, we realize that our missions and decisions have a significant impact on local residents. We enjoy a close partnership that derives its strength from years of listening, teamwork, and a unified vision for the region. This knowledge drives us to conduct the safest operations possible and provide transparent communication about our projects.

We provide numerous avenues to foster a knowledgeable community that understands the vision, projects, and complexities surrounding our cleanup activities. We understand that a well-informed public is mutually beneficial. Engaged residents provide valuable input as we develop plans to remove legacy materials from Oak Ridge, and our program can learn the concerns and ideas of its key stakeholders.

As we complete long-standing projects and begin new cleanup, it is important to collaborate with our publics to ensure our cleanup projects are executed efficiently and in the best interests of the U.S. Department of Energy and our community.

Meaningful public involvement and community relations rests on a foundation of positive relationships, and our employees seek to build and nurture such relationships. We use a variety of methods used to educate stakeholders, encourage public involvement, and capture input and feedback about our operations.