Featured Story

Yap CRE celebrated World Soil Day 2016

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Cooperative Research and Extension. Soil and land degradation is not only a physical or biochemical issue but also linked to socio-economic aspects. Poor and displaced atoll communities in Yap are the most affected by soil … [Read More...]

Development of Salt Tolerant Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) through Tissue Culture

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station, Kosrae. Salinity and drought still remain the major abiotic stresses, which limit and pose a threat to agricultural production in many parts of the world including Micronesia. Dr. … [Read More...]

Yap CRE participated in the World Food Day 2016 celebrations

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Cooperative Research and Extension. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October to commemorate the founding of the Organization. This year, World Food Day … [Read More...]

News from Land Grants

Yap CRE conducted two workshops on chicken farming and food processing

YAP, FSM. Steven Young-Uhk, Coordinator, Cooperative Research and Extension. Yap CRE conducted a three-day workshop on chicken farming between August 3 and 5. Twenty-seven participants including extension agents, agriculture professionals, farmers, men and women attended the workshop. On the first day, participants learned about best practices on caring for a day-old chicks, feeding and caring … [Read More...]

Yap CRE researcher bags international award

YAP FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist from the Cooperative Research and Extension, College of Micronesia-FSM Yap Campus won one of the two top prizes for Best Papers Awards during the two-day Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region held on July 27-28 at Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in Lautoka, Fiji. This symposium was organized by the … [Read More...]

COM’s RMI Regent Minister Heine Visits Sea Cucumber Hatchery

KOLONIA, POHNPEI, FSM. Dr. Manoj R. Nair, Director & Chief Scientist, COM Land Grant Aquaculture Programs, Nett Point, Pohnpei, FSM. College of Micronesia Land Grant Program (NIFA, USDA) (COMLG), Board of Regents Member & Minister of Education Republic of the Marshall Islands Mr. Wilbur Heine and College of Marshall Islands Dean of Land Grant Mr. Biuma Samson visited Pohnpei from June … [Read More...]

Development of Salt tolerant giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma merkusii (Hassk.) Schott) and soft taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) through tissue culture

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. Salinity and drought still remain the major abiotic stresses that limit as well as pose a threat to agricultural production in many parts of the world including Micronesia. The research project entitled, “In Vitro Selection for Salt Tolerance in Taro,” focused on developing salt … [Read More...]

High efficiency micropropagation of pineapple for mass-scale elite seedling production

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station Pineapple Micropropagation and Commercial Cultivation to Enhance Productivity in Micronesia, is a multi-state research project approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) for the Micronesian region. The project … [Read More...]

Yap CRE Researcher conferred with prestigious fellowship

Pohnpei, FSM. Jim Currie, Vice President, Cooperative Research and Extension, College of Micronesia-FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Cooperative Research and Extension at Yap Campus has been bestowed with the Fellowship of the International Society for Noni Science for his outstanding contributions to Noni research and science during its Annual General Body … [Read More...]

Cooperative Research and Extension, COM-FSM Yap Campus participated in the 2016 Yap Day celebrations

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist COM-FSM Yap Cooperative Research and Extension (CRE) staff and Agriculture students participated in the 48th Annual Yap celebrations held at Makiy, between February 29 and March 1, 2016. Yap Day is the biggest cultural celebration in Yap. This annual two-day event is accompanied with various cultural performances … [Read More...]

Yap CRE participated in the 2015 World Food Day Celebrations

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Yap Agricultural Experiment Station The Cooperative Research and Extension (CRE) wing of the College of Micronesia-FSM at Yap Campus participated in the 2015 World Food Day celebrations in Colonia, Yap. World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food … [Read More...]

Training on Climate-smart agriculture methods: Chuuk, RMI, Palau

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Yap Agricultural Experiment Station Two Researchers from the College of Micronesia-FSM Cooperative Research and Extension conducted a series of training workshops on 'Climate-Smart Agriculture' between May 3 and May 13 under the Professional Development Program of the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. … [Read More...]

Yap CRE participates in the World Food Day Celebrations

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Yap Agricultural Experiment Station Yap Cooperative Research and Extension (CRE) and College of Micronesia-FSM Yap Campus Agriculture students participated in the 2014 World Food Day celebrations in Yap. World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the … [Read More...]

Training on urban vegetable gardening methods

YAP, FSM. Dr. Murukesan Krishnapillai, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Yap Agricultural Experiment Station Densely populated urban settlements in places like Pohnpei, Majuro and Kwajalein resulting from constant flow of people from rural outer islands result in extensive youth unemployment and associated social problems. Population density of this magnitude, when associated with overcrowding, … [Read More...]

USDA-NIFA approved second multi-state/site research project on pineapple for Micronesia

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. The United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) has approved another multi-state/site research project for Micronesian region. The project entitled: Pineapple Micropropagation and Commercial Cultivation to Enhance Productivity … [Read More...]

USDA-NIFA Approved First Multi-State/Site Research Project on Black Pepper for Micronesia

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. The United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) approved multi-state/site research project on black pepper for Micronesia entitled Micropropagation for elite seedling production: Comparison of local practices and commercial … [Read More...]

Pearl farm management and halfpearl seeding training in Pakin Atoll, Pohnpei State, February 5-7, 2104

KOLONIA, POHNPEI, FSM. Dr. Manoj R. Nair (1) and Justino Smith (2) (1) Director & Chief Scientist, COM Land Grant Aquaculture Programs, Nett Point, Pohnpei, FSM (2) Senior Aquaculture Extension Agent, COM–FSM Pohnpei Campus, Pohnpei, FSM As part of a joint project between College of Micronesia Land Grant Porgram (NIFA, USDA) (COMLG), Pakin Community Association (PCA) , Office of the … [Read More...]

Remote Satowan Island welcomes CRE program

WENO, CHUUK.  Kalvin Assito, Community Resource Development Agent (CRD).  Cooperative Extension Service Chuuk CRE, for the first time, brought the community outreach programs to the remote islands of Satowan Atoll.  The island group is about 180 miles from Weno and has about 1,000 residents.  CRE agents provided 8 varieties of sweet potato to the traditional leader for multiplication and … [Read More...]

In vitro selection for salt tolerance in taro and sweet potato

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. In Vitro Selection for Salt Tolerance in Taro Dr. Verma is Project Director of research project on In Vitro Selection for Salt Tolerance in Taro. Salinity, an abiotic stress that combines elements of water deficiency and sodium toxicity is among the most serious and widespread … [Read More...]

Cooperative Research and Extension participated in launching “Fairotiw Fairota” youth organization

WENO, CHUUK, FSM.  Kalvin Assito, Youth Agent, Chuuk Cooperative Extension Service. On June 26, 2013, a youth organization founded by Linda Mori-Hartmann, called “Fairotiw Fairota” hosted its first youth gathering at Bay View Building in Nepukos, Weno. This non-government organization (NGO) aims to teach the youth Chuukese cultural values through the assistance of government, other NGOs, … [Read More...]

Extensive hands-on trainings on integrated sustainable agriculture for root crops, vegetables and fruit production

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station.  The key concept of the project was to implement and demonstrate to small-scale farmers, a successful integrated sustainable agriculture system that is promising in island conditions and is safe for the environment. The project provided adequate opportunities to educate and train farmers … [Read More...]

Assessment of salt tolerance in taro and sweet potato: in vitro selection, greenhouse and field evaluation

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station.  Salinity, an abiotic stress that combines elements of water deficiency and sodium toxicity is among the most serious and widespread of agricultural problems on islands resulting in lost crop yield and arable land. Therefore, the efforts to develop salt-tolerant plants are of immense … [Read More...]

Backyard chicken farming in Yap

COLONIA, YAP, FSM.  Steven Young-Uhk, CRE Coordinator, Yap Cooperative Research and Extension. There is a growing trend in Yap for backyard chicken farming. More and more households in Yap are doing backyard poultry farming using imported breeds and combination of local feed materials and commercial feed to produce eggs for consumption and selling the surplus for extra income. Through … [Read More...]

Yap Extension speaks at St. Mary’s on a variety of topics

COLONIA, YAP, FSM, Martin Ruwniyol, 4-H Extension Agent, Yap Cooperative Extension Services. Yap CES 4-H Program conducted a Guest Speaker Program at St. Mary’s School from January to May 2013 in collaboration with Public Health, Yap State EPA, Youth Services Office and Our YAP, a youth organization. This extension activity falls under Planned Program - Families, Youths and Communities - … [Read More...]

Assessment of in vivo and in vitro grafting for rapid production of elite grafted lime seedlings

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. Verma, Project Director of grafting project procured budwood of Mexican lime from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program, University of California and the United States Department of Agriculture National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Citrus & Dates. Procured Mexican lime budwood … [Read More...]

Extensive publications, education and outreach

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. Verma, Project Coordinator of Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) project on on-farm implementation and demonstration of integrated sustainable agriculture and livestock production systems for small-scale farmers, developed seven multi-colored cultivation … [Read More...]

Integrated sustainable agriculture and livestock production workshops

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. Verma, Project Coordinator of Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) project on on-farm implementation and demonstration of integrated sustainable agriculture and livestock production systems for small-scale farmers, organized two one-week workshops for … [Read More...]

Ecologically integrated and well managed hot composting system for recycling of organic matter

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher/Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment Station. Organic matters such as crop residues and animal manure were used for composting. Solid swine manure was separated from the piggery effluent by using a rundown screen and sun dried for two weeks. Dried solid manure was shredded along with the dried organic materials such as crop … [Read More...]

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USDA-NIFA Approved First Multi-State/Site Research Project on Black Pepper for Micronesia

KOSRAE, FSM. Dr. Virendra M. Verma, Researcher and Extension Specialist, Kosrae Agricultural Experiment … [Read More...]

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Pearl farm management and halfpearl seeding training in Pakin Atoll, Pohnpei State, February 5-7, 2104

KOLONIA, POHNPEI, FSM. Dr. Manoj R. Nair (1) and Justino Smith (2) (1) Director & Chief Scientist, COM Land Grant … [Read More...]