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Site Cleanup

A view of Building K-25 cleanup at the East Tenneseee Technology Park.

A view of Building K-25 cleanup at the East Tenneseee Technology Park.

Unlike many EM cleanup sites, Oak Ridge has numerous ongoing missions aside from EM. The success and rate of progress often depends on the amount of work the organization achieves at the site.

At the East Tennessee Technology Park, EM is tasked with removing facilities associated with 40 years of uranium enrichment and production to create a private industrial park that will strengthen the regional economy.

Additionally, EM is removing radiological risks amidst the nation’s largest multi-program science and technology laboratory that employs 4,400 people, attracts 3,000 guest researchers, and attracts 30,000 visitors and 10,000 precollege students annually. As the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is cleaned, there is increased safety and more real estate to expand missions and research at the site.

Finally, EM is conducting cleanup at the Y-12 National Security Complex, which is one of the nation’s most important national security assets. The organization is focused on removing 700,000 pounds of mercury that leaked during past operations and removing outdated facilities to reduce the site’s footprint. With a smaller, modernized campus, Y-12 can increase efficiency and security to protect our nation.