Natural Resource Program Center

  • NRPC staff  build an elk fence at Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, CO.
  • Wilderness Fellow Anna Peterson paddles the Kanektok River, AK.
  • NRPC ServCat team members Sarah Shultz and Tiffany Peekan at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, MA.
  • NRPC staff  at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, CO.

The Natural Resource Program Center (NRPC) is a national center  in Fort Collins, Colorado, that provides state-of-the art, interdisciplinary science to inform the planning and management decisions of the National Wildlife Refuge System.  The NRPC includes branches of Inventory and Monitoring, Air Quality, Water Resources, and Human Dimensions, as well as the Wildlife Health Office. By integrating these scientific disciplines, the NRPC can address the biologically and socially complex management challenges within and beyond refuge boundaries.

The NRPC increases the Refuge System’s ability to conserve wildlife and habitat by:

  • working to improve air and water quality in and around refuges,

  • addressing wildlife health and disease issues,

  • setting rigorous standards for conducting surveys on refuges,

  • thoughtfully designing and implementing data management tools, and

  • supporting conservation through the lens of social science.