RSS Aggregator

Create a New RSS Mix

Mix any number of RSS feeds into one unique new feed!

You can then point a parser at the new feed and display a mix of stories from various sources on your website.

You can also now request your feed in JSON to use in your own applications.

To create a new RSS Mix, copy and paste the URLs of the existing source feeds into the box below and hit Create!

Please note, the following restrictions apply:

  1. If the target feed is not retrieved within 5 seconds we cannot add it into your mix.
  2. A maximum of 100 feeds are allowed per mix.
  3. A mix must contain 2 or more unique feeds.
  4. Request rate is limited to one request per second.

[ Click here to add 4 random feeds to the box above ]

If you'd like to base the mix on feeds from another mix, enter the Mix ID in the box below and click "Use Mix"

RSS News Feed Directory